Zappa Age: 20 Height: 180cm Weight: 66kg Likes: Keeping a diary Dislikes: Blacking out Fighting Style: Ghosts, demons, and other possessive nastiness Nationality: Australian
Description: Zappa is an incredibly un-amazing looking man. Despite his clothes (picture is above his profile) he really doesn't warrant much attention. That is until he gets angry. Seen clutching to him is S-Ko, a very powerful ghost whose every actions are filled with bitterness towards men and women, especially men and women in love. Zappa is naïve, easily confused, and prone to letting his heart rule his head (making his headband quite apt). S-Ko on the other hand sees things quite clearly; in shades of blood red.
Zappa's power is one he is unaware of. He is essentially like a gate through which ghosts may enter onto the physical plane, though only briefly. Zappa's lack of awareness of this power means that he has no control over it, and through S-Ko's possession his powers are used chaotically, cutting a swathe through just about anyone Zappa is trying to talk to. Zappa wakes up after the madness unable to remember what happened before he blacked out, but left with wounds that are not only inflicted in his fights by his opponents, but also in the bizarre way S-Ko abuses his body to bring harm to those she hates. And she hates EVERYONE. Zappa believes himself to be suffering from a disorder that can be cured by medical means.
S-Ko is always hanging
off Zappa unless actively possessing him. She is invisible but to the most spiritually
attuned at this point, but when possessing Zappa there are times when she is
clearly visible. Zappa's other ghosts are clearly visible when fighting.
History: In the not too distant future there was a young woman named S-Ko. She had a lover whom she gave all her heart and soul to. This man betrayed her for another woman. S-Ko committed suicide, cursing the man and woman as she hurled herself into a well. She died, but due to her bitter nature she could not find rest. Instead, after many years she found Zappa. Now almost nothing more than an embodiment of "Woman's scorn" she moved to use Zappa as her means of revenge, though whom she was taking revenge against meant nothing anymore.
Zappa's blacking out problems had become such a problem that he decided to head out to find the miracle Doctor named Faust, who could potentially cure him of his 'disorder'. This was about the time that a woman named I-No began causing problems amongst the strongest fighters of the world, setting them against one another and tricking them in her 'Midnight Carnival' of bloodshed. She was eventually stopped by a combination of the Gear Dizzy, Sol Badguy, and her own master "That Man".
During this time Zappa did meet Faust, and was informed that there was currently no cure, and that he should hide himself away forever. Shocked, Zappa flipped out, and S-Ko took him on a rampage for a full week until Zappa met Axl, a man from our own time who had been launched into the future. They fought, and through a combination of their powers Zappa was accidentally plunged into the past to a time of fighting not unlike his timeline in the future.
Lost, with no idea that
he is in the past, Zappa continues to try to find a cure. After meeting a man
named Xion, a man who seems to be able to command obedience from S-Ko, Zappa
was promised a cure in return for Xion's services. Whether there is a cure or
not stands to be seen but Zappa is happy to go along with things, while S-Ko
will gladly force her maddening rage upon anyone Xion directs her too, taking
Zappa along for the ride against the fighters of the UCTF.
Additional: : Zappa's entrance
music when by himself is 'Good Manners and Customs' (from the GGXX soundtrack).
Zappa is already fully possessed by S-Ko when inside the UCTF building, and
will only leave Zappa's body when Zappa is beaten to unconsciousness. As such
Zappa is extremely unlikely to be seen in a UCTF ring as his more cowardly persona.
Zappa's fighting stance is explained thusly. Facing his back to his opponent,
Zappa bends back so his face looks at his opponent upside down; his arms hang
down almost touching the ground, just dangling. Somehow Zappa holds this stance
through the whole fight, walking forwards on his hands, and walking back upright,
head still back.
Zappa by himself is not much of a fighter however, with S-Ko and his other ghosts he has a fair amount of bizarre and seemingly random moves at his disposal. Also, Zappa has several ghosts that can move around away from his body and have attacks of their own. He generally only has one set of ghost at a time.
These ghosts are:
Straight Jacket Ghosts - Three ghosts who are Casper-like ghosts (no legs, white,
translucent) with wailing faces and wearing straight jackets. They hover over
Zappa's head and shoulders.
Bloody Sword - A rather
large (as big as Zappa) double edged sword perpetually dripping with blood.
It circles around Zappa's body.
Ghost Dog - A hound of
hell, jet black and with a dark aura. It moves completely independent of Zappa,
able to move around quickly to surprise attack Zappa's foes.
Raou - You don't want this guy to appear. He's a huge demonic ghost which appears to be the upper part of a suit of armour filled with lightning and fire. Raou looms over Zappa, and due to the fact Raou is in itself five feet tall, you would want to pray he doesn't ever grow legs. Raou's power comes at a price, he can only appear for about a 30 seconds at a time.
Note: The Straight Jacket
Ghosts and the Ghost Dog can be attacked as normal to banish them, whereas the
sword and Raou cannot be banished.
Ghost Attacks:
Straight Jacket Ghost
Go Away and Don't Come Back!: Zappa flings one of the ghosts, who goes barreling
through the air and slam into the opponent. The ghost then latches on for a
small period, distracting and hitting the enemy.
The ghosts can also attack with their 'tails' and head butt the opponent when near enough without being thrown. They can be thrown while Zappa is in the air. Sometimes, they also cause poltergeist-esque activity and throw anything from nearby chairs to banana peels to disrupt the opponent's concentration.
Bloody Sword Attacks:
Looks Painful
And is!: Zappa and the blade lunge forwards, the blade thrust
out in front of Zappa, tip pointed forwards. If it connects, the blade may then
slash to knock the opponent away and give Zappa some more room.
Fall Down Go Boom: The sword performs a swinging uppercut on the enemy, a spray of blood rising from the ground as it does so (it's a ghost sword, it can make blood come from anywhere really).
The sword also acts on its own accord, slashing at whoever gets near Zappa.
Ghost Dog Attacks:
The dog has no specific named attacks, however it does the following:
Lunges and knocks down the enemy.
Cough up its skull and spine at the enemy and then suck it back in again.
Bites down hard on an exposed limb and doesn't let go.
Flips backwards into the air then lunges into the opponent from the middle of
the air.
Flip and lash its feet out in a small arc.
Raou Attacks:
Aside from slamming his opponent with his fists and attacking with both swords
and warhammers shaped from lightning and fire, Raou has the following attacks:
Darkness Anthem: Raou opens a palm and a powerful charge of lightning energy sits in front of him, almost as big as Raou itself. Should he wish to, Raou will slam it forwards like a projectile, and as probably already guessed it sends high voltage through the opponent on contact.
Last Edguy: Raou performs
a blurring uppercut out of nowhere, smashing Zappa's opponent into the sky like
a rag doll, and setting them ablaze with the fire engulfing Raou's fist in the
Regular Moves:
Sometimes Zappa will directly get involved in combat, or rather S-Ko will through Zappa. All the same, these moves are even more freakish than his possessions!
Say Hello to the Three Centipedes: Zappa's body stiffens up and three very large centipedes burst from his body, spin around Zappa quickly then disappear back into his body again. The centipedes will knock back anyone they come into contact with, and do not stop for anyone.
It's Coming Out!: Zappa straightens up for a moment as a face forms on his back, then spits a disgusting and large amount of filthy pus at his opponent.
My Head!: Zappa clutches at his head, and it's replaced with a giant deformed version of S-Ko's head (which while Zappa's head was upside down this head is upright), which smashes into the stomach of Zappa's enemy and attempts to bite into them. After the move the head turns back to normal.
Watch out!: Zappa suddenly is jerked from where he stands and goes flying across the ring for a flying elbow drop. He doesn't even need to climb a turnbuckle; he can get enough height from suddenly being launched into the air.
Who's Behind Me?!: A pair of translucent, womanly arms reach out from Zappa's shoulders and with Zappa's perform a four handed Mongolian chop. As you may have guessed, those arms belong to S-Ko.
I Can't Stop Running!: Zappa's upper body moves to the side, as his legs begin to windmill (read, his whole lower torso rotates so the legs move like a wheel) into his opponent, and due to possession the feet are briefly bladed.
Down I Go: After coming down from the air (be it from high jump or jump of a turnbuckle) Zappa stamps down on his opponent's face repeatedly, driving them backwards to the ground, stepping off on the 'ground floor', so to speak.
Please Stay Back!: Pretty much Zappa's only throw, Zappa grabs his opponent by their neck with his teeth, and the throws them HARD across the ring by only using his neck muscles.
My legs!: Zappa's legs
turn into a tongue
a rather large and strong one, and belts the opponent
high into the sky.
It's Alive! - Zappa screams, bunches up his body and releases the three centipedes, this time they lunge out like three gigantic spears and stab into the poor victim in their way. Then, they dissolve into nothing and fade away. But rest assured, they could be used again.
Bellows Maris - This is
the most dangerous finisher in Zappa's power. It can only be performed when
Raou is summoned, and that is something to be thankful for in the circumstances.
Raou pulls an arm back, gathering an insane amount of energy in his hand, then
brings it forwards in a extremely fast, burning Zappa's foe with fire and lightning
and smashing them across the ring to boot. Needless to say, it ain't pretty.
UCTF History: Zappa arrived in the UCTF at Cyberslam V, debuting alongside a Zoanthrope named Stun. Together the two beat down the Platinum Champion William Clarke and the Number One Contender Shawn Shane Shields (Zappa in particular throwing SSS across the ring with his teeth). During the beatdown Xion came down and to the surprise of everyone began giving instructions to the two, and the three of them destroyed their victims, leaving the ring together and triumphant.
It was shortly after Cyberslam that the three reappeared and Zappa was officially introduced, and the group "The Trio" was born. In a show of power Zappa summoned his bloody sword and cut William Clarke's stolen cap into tiny pieces as it was thrown into the air.
"Geh, another weird pose! Ears! Arms! Legs! Neck! ...neck?"~Zappa