You head into the torture room. Andross' Base - Torture Room ============================================================================= This room is painted black, even on the floors and ceiling, probably to hide any "mishaps" during a session with a prisoner. Nonetheless, you notice small spatters of blood here and there. The chamber is lit only by a few very bright spotlight-like fixtures, which are positioned strategically over or near some rather menacing pieces of equipment. A set of cages, sized for not mere animals, but sentients, is along one wall, standing ready to hold subjects for experimentation. In the middle of the room, a large steel table, equipped with heavy leather restraints, sits waiting to hold a victim in place. All about the room are cruel implements of vivisection and injury, all intended for use on the helpless and restrained prisoner strapped to the table. Along another wall are shelves of jars, filled with formaldehyde, ready to hold parts excised from the animals, and below this, on the floor, are huge tanks filled with embalming fluid for holding whole cadavers. ============================================================================= Players>>Ruben (IC) - M'kkusss Brax (IC) - Mara (IC) - Objects>> Obvious Exits: Prison Leon's Room Leon has arrived. Ruben says, "Are we... EXPECTED?" M'kkusss Brax says, "indeed" Mara says, "I will be just a bit longer. Forgive me." Ruben says, "No biggy." Ruben says, "This should be interesting." M'kkusss Brax says, "to say the least" Chosun has arrived. Ruben says, "There we go, all the players are here. Now for Mara to return." M'kkusss Brax says, "Looks at the Brax is a behemoth" Leon pffts. M'kkusss Brax says, "Stupid leon picking a similar eye colour" Leon sticks his tongue out. M'kkusss Brax says, "dude...reel it in" Moll has connected. Ruben puts out his cig on Leon's tongue. M'kkusss Brax says, "told you" Fluffy Bubbly Moll says, "Anyone seen Dimitrik?" Leon's tongue has many uses. Next week: can opener. Ruben says, "He's also gonna become a fine purse soon, ain't he?" Chosun says, "At around 3 PM today. Didn't stay long." Leon says, "Shoes." Fluffy Bubbly Moll says, "Dang." M'kkusss Brax says, "luggage" Chosun says, "Spaceship seat cover?" Leon says, "Hat." Whispering Liar Ruben says, "Placemat!" Ruben says, "And underwear." Leon says, "It would chafe." Chosun says, "Backscratcher." Ruben says, "Well only for special occasions." Mara says, "Ready." Mara says, "I could use a nice purse..." Feline Helpstaff/Builder: David says, "A cheeetah!" Bubble Gum Inspector Eva says, "Meow?" Mara says, "Still with me, Brax?" M'kkusss Brax says, "yep" Mara says, "Shall I continue?" M'kkusss Brax says, "shall I repost for them?" Mara says, "Nah. They'll be entering after us anyway." M'kkusss Brax says, "go for it" Leon goes Out-Of-Character (OOC). Ruben comes striding into the torture chamber, every step of his seeming to be like he's going to just fall through the floor. To simply cope with his pain the possum has had to take some medication, but despite this he's been asking around and knows where to go. He looks over his shoulder worriedly more than he does look at Brax... he's come here to see Brax, not alone, but more worried about who could be watching him that he hasn't brought along. Mara sighs softly. "Yes... You tred in my realm. I am the Mistress of all you see. And yet, I have no power here..." She stares at the floor. God, how is Leon going to react? Maybe he'll just fly off the handle and shoot her for her stupidity. Maybe that would be merciful. Miss Phoenix has always been comfortable in this room, save for one occasion. Today is the second exception. She is in no position to stop Brax should he decide to test any of the equipment here... She jumps as Ruben enters. Chosun trails behind Ruben, following closely as if she's a bodyguard. She looks serious, and constantly looks to Ruben to follow his lead. She crosses her arms, feeling unnerved by the torture room's "furniture" scattered around. Leon is not posing. So don't wait for him or anything. M'kkusss Brax says, "my turn then...." Ewwwwww! A Rat! Scarlet tackles the cheetah! Bubble Gum Inspector Eva grins lots. "Rat-kins." ^^ =============================Message of the Day============================== | Countdown to DOOM: 8 Days! | ============================================================================= IC Eva F Cheetah Pilot (CoM) 12s-12m IC Moll F Chinchilla Mercenary (Civ) 21m-23m IC Scarlet F Rat Trader (Civ) 1m-1h OOC Leon M Chameleon Space Pirate (StW) 28s-2h WIZ David M Domestic Cat Helpstaff/Builder (Admin) 11m-2h IC Ruben M Ringtail Possum Pilot (AnE) 0s-3h IC Chosun F Osprey Pilot (AnE) 4m-3h IC M'kkusss Brax M Tuatara Fleet Commander (AnE) 3m-7h IC Mara F Tiger Charming Temptress (Civ) 6m-8h ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Connected: 9~~~Record: 23~~~~ Toying with the leash he kept the girl on, Bax was studying the equipment in the room " Hmm you could prepare meat nicely with this..." he remarks offhandedly, tugging his new pet along with him as he goes, he pauses to take not of the pair entering the torture room, why if it wasn't his latest student and his...girlfriend? Never could be sure with these softskins. "Not on duty today? I trust the leave I sudested for you was propperly approved?" there is just the hint of laughter in his voice. Ruben lets the meds running through his system calm him down... as if the danger of coming here as he was doing wasn't enough, he feels himself being mocked. "I came concerning your offer, sir" He glances over at the doors again, fingers fidgeting nervously, "I'd like to negotiate my position". He avoids eye contact with Mara, for a good variety of reasons. Mara stumbles along behind Brax as he tugs her leash. She looks... strangely compliant. One can only wonder what he had to do to her to melt her defiance. She absently reaches behind her with one hand to scratch at the mark on her back and immedately winces. Yeah, let's not break that wound open again... Her gaze stays lowered to the floor, avoiding eye contact with Ruben for her own reasons. Bill has connected. Bill has disconnected. Bill has connected. Chosun stands at attention behind Ruben, waiting for any orders. She watches Brax and examines him, this being the first time they've seen each other. She turns her head back to Ruben, waiting to listen to what they'll say next. What's this? Had he actually gotten through to this soldier? Well stranger things had happened and so with a rumbling of open curiosity he awaited the approach of the Possum. " I am officialy off duty at this time soldier, what we discuss, is it for the good of the empire or personal politics?" He needed to know how he should act and treat the others Ruben mulls over those words silently and glances to Chosun, it takes a moment before he looks back to Brax and speaks. "Everything I do and have to tell you is for the good of the empire. Though, the information I do bring would benefit your position greatly..." a pause, "It would be my hope that as a result my own position would benefit as a result of bringing this to you as well" Mara bites her lip and peers toward Brax without actually looking at him and then to Ruben. Also without actually making eye contact. She glances up at Chosun for the briefest of moments before her eyes finally cast down to the floor again. What is all of this? Brax called some sort of meeting? Just what is Ruben insinuating? This could definitely be trouble in the making. The very posture and position of the hulking reptile changed with those words. When the good of the empire was in question nothing else mattered. To the others he might even seem taller as he straightened out, Mara being pulled closer as he came to a more attentive state of being. " Alright soldier, you have my full attention what intel have you to present to me at this time? " This location wasn't the best possible choice for this meeting, but if nothing else the land of leon was supposed to be for the good of the empire as well. Ruben shakes his head, "Not here sir, we can't talk here" He looks about the room, and shakes his head a little harder, "It'd be too easy to for the wrong ears to hear" Now he looks at Mara, though still speaking to Brax, "I've found out something about the sir which concerns us all" M'kkusss Brax pokes chosun M'kkusss Brax growls, his first suspicions creeping back to him, it seemed he truly couldn't trust that filthy mercenary clenching his fiists he points away from the room they are in, his infamous temper already raging towards a boil. M'kkusss Brax says, "four people...two posts....hmm" Chosun looks over to Mara, wondering with amusement why she's in such a situation. She looks back at Brax as he gets worked up, feeling a little intimidated by his size and anger. Chosun takes a step closer to Ruben. Mara tries to stray farther from Brax as inconspicuously as possible. M'kkusss Brax says, "um where to who leads the way and all that" Ruben raises his paws out at chest level, a gesture of non-threatening manner, there's nothing up his sleeves. "There is somewhere I can tell you this... even Chosun doesn't know what it is I know, and I'd prefer if I only confided this in you sir... I honestly can't trust anyone else with this or my life is forfeit... my life may still be that way even as I speak" He sighs, "There's an empty cell down in the prison. I'll be waiting for you there if you wish to talk. Chosun has made sure the camera watching that part will be 'broken'... and we can talk in peace... secure your... pet somewhere, or have Chosun watch her for you... I'll tell this with no one else around" And then, Ruben turns and leaves. You move back into the main prison area. Andross' Base - Prison ============================================================================= The prison facility of Andross' base is perhaps even larger than the quarters for his loyal legions! Every captured Cornerian forced into servitude ends up passing through here, many end up staying while others are sent off to slave away at Andross' other bases. A few guards patrol the area, occasionally taunting, beating, or threatening the prisoners to keep them in line. Each cell consists of a large, empty room that could easily fit at least fifteen people in it. There are no beds, so prisoners have only the cold metal floor for comfort should they need to sit or lie down. Facilities are provided for each cell as well, of course. There are no doors on the cells, and their fronts are wide open. Prisoners are sealed in, instead, by forcefields. ============================================================================= Players>>Ruben (IC) - Objects>> Obvious Exits: Corridor Torture Room Haru has connected. Andross' Base - Prison ============================================================================= The prison facility of Andross' base is perhaps even larger than the quarters for his loyal legions! Every captured Cornerian forced into servitude ends up passing through here, many end up staying while others are sent off to slave away at Andross' other bases. A few guards patrol the area, occasionally taunting, beating, or threatening the prisoners to keep them in line. Each cell consists of a large, empty room that could easily fit at least fifteen people in it. There are no beds, so prisoners have only the cold metal floor for comfort should they need to sit or lie down. Facilities are provided for each cell as well, of course. There are no doors on the cells, and their fronts are wide open. Prisoners are sealed in, instead, by forcefields. ============================================================================= Players>>Ruben (IC) - Objects>> Obvious Exits: Corridor Torture Room M'kkusss Brax has reconnected. M'kkusss Brax has partially disconnected. Andross' Base - Prison ============================================================================= The prison facility of Andross' base is perhaps even larger than the quarters for his loyal legions! Every captured Cornerian forced into servitude ends up passing through here, many end up staying while others are sent off to slave away at Andross' other bases. A few guards patrol the area, occasionally taunting, beating, or threatening the prisoners to keep them in line. Each cell consists of a large, empty room that could easily fit at least fifteen people in it. There are no beds, so prisoners have only the cold metal floor for comfort should they need to sit or lie down. Facilities are provided for each cell as well, of course. There are no doors on the cells, and their fronts are wide open. Prisoners are sealed in, instead, by forcefields. ============================================================================= Players>>Ruben (IC) - Objects>> Obvious Exits: Corridor Torture Room M'kkusss Brax has arrived. Ruben stands off in one of the darker areas of the prison, standing in the doorway of a cell, partially hidden from view. He's nervously looking about, but not smoking. Guess after he got burned up he decided against the habit. M'kkusss Brax stomps along in his generally enraged manner, pausing only once to collect a remote activation unit for his graviton device on his way, he had forgot it last time he was here.. His prize in hand he moves to where this illicit meeting is to take place. " Iam ready to listen" Ruben gestures inside the cell, leaning to move in himself. "Okay, but let's just get out of audio range here..." The cell is indeed empty, with just a bed a toilet and the usual commodities. "I'm sorry to interrupt you sir, I'm sure you were waiting for Leon... but with what I have to aay it's best you don't for a small while yet" M'kkusss Brax , prepared for the worst, enters the cell, offhandedly tracing keys on his remote as he goes. " Go ahead, explain what you must, interuptions do not exist when imperial business is on the table." Why did he want to check the bed and toilette for explossives.... Ruben steps in and nods to Brax, "Okay... I know you're not going to like this but... wait..." his ears twitch as though he hears something far off, and he ducks out of the cell again. He holds up a paw for Brax to wait, his tail waving in an uncomfortable manner. "Okay, okay... sorry I'm so jumpy... but the guy who informed me of what was going on is now in a body bag" M'kkusss Brax approaches Ruben, his motions slow and purposefull, having no time for fears of death at the moment. Well that and being in the cell alone set him up to fully for a trap should either ruben or some other betray him. " Speak your data, I would wish to adress this matter with highest priority and haste" Ruben looks up at Brax, smiling. The Admiral doesn't even get to finish his first pace before the possum's tail hits the cell door's keypad and the all too familiar force wall is erected suddenly. "Oops, silly me" Ruben remarks as he reaches into his coat pockets. M'kkusss Brax unfortunately had suspected just such a thing taking place, clicking the device on down the hall, he sets it to monosingularity mode, intending to have the graviton machine make a major drain on the prison's power grid, at least enough to cause a partial brownout that he can use to ease the amount of effort needed to get through the force wall, with luck he could get through AND get the possum in one shot...."So this is your choice...and to think I beleived for a moment that you had embraced wisdom." Ruben is still smiling though... because he'd seen THAT coming too. He waves a finger as nothing seems to happen. "Come on Admiral, you didn't think for a second I'd just lead you into an area where you had an advantage, would you?" No real technical skill required for such a simple act of sabotage. "Wisdom is certainly not putting me in a hospital bed" M'kkusss Brax frowns, seems he would have to use muscle afterall, which meant chances were the possum would get away...Time to see if this was a solo act or wether anyoneelse was involved. " So have you set a means to dispose of my body or will you simply run away? You realise if you run I will make your little friend pay for her part in your betrayal?" That should be enough to get him talking:frowns, seems he would have to use muscle afterall, which meant chances were the possum would get away...Time to see if this was a solo act or wether anyoneelse was involved. " So have you set a means to dispose of my body or will you simply run away? You realise if you run I will make your little friend pay for her part in your betrayal?" That should be enough to get him talking Ruben rubs his chin in thought, and then takes a small handle with a trigger from his pocket. "Shut up Brax. Fixed to the underside of that bed is a surprise. When I press this button, you become one gigantic smear on the wall" He Ruben isn't kidding either, he reaches with his other paw into his pocket and takes out a radio, "Got him" Ruben says, "Just had to finish off a premature enter press." Bill has reconnected. Bill has partially disconnected. Leon has arrived. Leon goes In-Character (IC). Chosun has arrived. Mara has arrived. M'kkusss Brax says, "oh sure witnesses for my grand escape" Beaming triumphantly, Leon emerges from the torture room and flashes Brax a feral grim, his lips peeled back to reveal a set of short, dagger-like teeth. It isn't often that he opens his mouth enough to flash them. "I'd pat you on the back for a job well done, Ruben, but..." M'kkusss Brax says, "no wait...gloat closer to the field" M'kkusss Brax says, "I'm almost done typing" Chosun enters the prison from the torture chamber, radio receiver in her hand. She looks quite pleased, and acts more casual than she was a few minutes ago. She looks to Brax in the cell, giving a condescending chuckle. Mara trails behind Leon and Chosun, a considerably slower pace than the both of them. What did Leon know about what Brax 'tried to do with her?' Nothing, that's what. He.. pampered her. And left her relatively unscathed. He just made her very, very scared in the process. Leon would not lavish her like that... Leon could not.. It must be nice to have money. She looks at Brax behind the field with a mixture of sadness and fear. Why does she have to be so.. whatever it is she is about this subject. She's back with Leon, and that's what matters, right? ......Right? Why can't she glare at the bastard behind the field with the contempt he deserves? M'kkusss Brax says, "hmm...I better change a few things to reflect the company" Chosun says, "Set phasers to 'Mild Discomfort'" Mara says, "XD" M'kkusss Brax says, "wait...before I go any further.....were there any changes made to the cell?" Ruben says, "Aside from the explosives under the bed on a hairline trigger, nope." M'kkusss Brax says, "okay...prepare for my work of art that you'll surely want to veto and make me rewrite" It was unfortunate how predicatable this sitaution was, he knew everything that was going to happen. The possum would have to leave to set off the explossive, so he needed to get free very quickly. He knew the capabilities and weaknesses of the walls here, and he acted immeditely. Reaching back he grabbed hold of the toilette by the rim with one hand, ripping it free from the ground and flinging it's aquatic contents into the force wall, a fair sized blaster being drawn with the other hand taking aim with his primary eyes closed allowing his light sensor to guide him to the exact points of impact and water dispersal and then he begins firing, the water alone hitting the field caused a fierce flash of plasmic discharge, each strike of the blaster made things all the less stable but now he had what he needed, a weakness in the field. Now he could take the very nonconductive toilette itself and thrust it savagely into said weakened zone of course he himself was to follow directly behind the toilette seeing as the resulting shockwave of plasmic discharge would almost certainly set off the bomb. M'kkusss Brax settles down to wait for the flames to roll in like a fanfic writer. M'kkusss Brax blinks " Too much silence....let's here somme fussing or something!!" Ruben presses the button on the trigger the minute that Brax even grabs hold of the toilet, and the bomb goes off. It seems that this 'bomb' was less explosive and more incindiery device... meaning the entire cell becomes awash with high intensity fire that while brief, is hot enough to cook a roast to ash. Even with his natural armor and form Brax won't be jumping ropes or doing somersaults for a while... it seems Ruben intended on giving the big lizard a taste of his own medicine all along. David has disconnected. M'kkusss Brax says, "eh...even incendiarys like Magnisium takes some time to burn through....used on a desert reptile, armor and all, hed have time to get loose A human can pick up a lit mag charge and toss it and maybe keep his frail little fingers" Mara says, "Dude... Get WOUNDED. We're not asking you to DIE. :P" It's just like a fireworks show! Leon brings one arm up to shield his eyes from the blast. No wonder James McCloud invested in a pair of sunglasses. The field flickers, and several droplets of water and vaporized porcelain splatter over the floor of the hallway. But that's it. Chosun says, "Lizards are ectotherms anyway. Body temp goes up!" M'kkusss Brax says, "I aint trying to escape damage...just dont like that full body roast part" Ruben says, "Except for one small fact that this isn't 'like magnesium' and is used as a weapon." Ruben says, "It's bomb." Mara says, "He didn't say that. He said it could turn most things to ash. Not that it would turn YOU to ash. He took the natural armour into account, man." Ruben says, "That is used to take out infantry and not cause massive structural damage. I took into account your characters natural endurance and such, and hence did not state that survival was impossible." M'kkusss Brax says, "alright, aint to much that's hotter than burning magnisium...but alright brax goes into an infirmary tank" Chosun averts her face from the inferno of the blazing cell. 'What an awful way to go,' she muses. 'Glad it's not me.' She takes a step back from the discomforting heat. M'kkusss Brax says, "though this was a poor choice...this can ONLY escelate things and while Andross might ignore some things...I'm sure having his top soldier burned to a crisp is not gonna get brushed off" M'kkusss Brax says, "on venom no less....stinks heavily of corruption in the ranks" Mara gasps in shock at the scene before her, covering her eyes. That... took some planning. Who'd've thought Ruben could pull that off? Nice. She steps back as she opens her eyes again. Mara says, "Who kidnapped the innocent girl? :P" Leon says, "Yeah. Leon's legally adopted daughter, no less." M'kkusss Brax says, "innocent nothing...she pulled a gun on a gentleman's discussion" Mara says, "Gentleman nothing. Threatning to plaster somebody all over the walls isn't really gentlemanly. :P" M'kkusss Brax says, "Hold on I couldn't keep a straight face after that one" Mara smirks. M'kkusss Brax says, "okay, I'm better" Mara says, "Can we just... move on?" Mara says, "Regardless of what Andross will think, we have a scene to do." M'kkusss Brax says, "by that you mean what?...right." Mara says, "I'm only gonna get 5 hours of sleep. I'm going to bed. @_@ Night." Mara moves into the torture room... Mara has left. Leon says, "Just react as you see fit." Ruben closes his eyes and basks in the extreme warmth. Aaah yes. That felt good. He won't even have to use the OTHER weapons he'd brought with him. He pockets his detonator and takes out a cigarette... guess all that fire makes old habits resurface again. He casually lights up and takes a long drag. "Aaaah... that felt good" That smile... suddenly Ruben makes it seem a whole lot more dangerous now... HE seems a whole lot more dangerous now. It would likely be safe to assume any with sensative hearing wouldn't have done well being near the cell after the bomb went off, not to mention those not looking to learn every curseword known on venom. In all likelihood he would pass out from heat exhaustion before anything else, by genetics his heat and cold processing as a dino throwback was better than the rest of the breeds, but, he was on fire here so that was that, amidst the flames the Tyrant would slump, cursing the very blood in the veins of those that had betrayed him. Mara has disconnected. M'kkusss Brax says, "now they cant let him dies anymore than brax could push leon out an airlock without basicly setting themselves up for a fall, not to mention a few other what the heck could they have in mind?" When his sleeves have stopped flapping and the blast-generated breeze has whipped around the corner, Leon lowers his arm and turns both eyes on the occupant of the cell. Brax is a surprisingly life-like pile of ash!...oh, no, wait...he's still alive... The chameleon's lips crease into a frown, amused though it may be. "Looks like there's still evidence left to dispose of," he says. "I was hoping we could just sweep him into a dustpan or something." Chosun looks to Ruben and laughs, "You really did it! That was just awesome!" She notices Ruben's odd smile, but she is too ecstatic from the excitement to comprehend it. "I still can't believe it!" Ruben stares into the cell now, still smiling. "Dear oh dear oh dear... I was going to have him call someone to clean his own mess up but..." he mimics that moment after Brax left Ruben sizzling on top of two corpses, "I suppose I'll have to... but do I call a cleaner or an ambulance?" He folds his arms now and blows some smoke that only mingles with the smells of burning flesh. "Remember this lesson well Brax, assuming you're even conscious... after the 'training' you have been putting these prisoners through, you won't get any witnesses from their ranks" And even to the point, there IS some sounds of approval coming from the nearby cells. "Would you like your remains sent to Mahla or Lord Andross?" M'kkusss Brax says, "this is crazy....the backlash from this sort of an attack would be massive....Ruben must have an AWFULLY good hiding place mapped out" M'kkusss Brax says, "not to mention the rest of them" Leon says, "You think you were going to get away clean with what -you- did?" M'kkusss Brax says, "nope, but this goes past excessive" Leon says, "I don't think so. He's still very alive." Leon says, "Very not badly injured." Chosun says, "We should kill him! Dead men tell no tales...!" Ruben says, "I don't know... I think it's fair to say an eye for an eye was acheived today." M'kkusss Brax says, "He's still VERY powerfull" M'kkusss Brax says, "and this is more than an eye for an eye" Leon says, "Ah, yes, but so is Leon. And you disfigured one of his men. And kidnapped his daughter and branded her." Leon says, "I think we're about even." M'kkusss Brax says, "right you tell the man you set on fire we're even now....I'm sure he'll be like off course, I mean sure...let's goo have a beer" Leon says, "And we can play darts! :D" Ruben says, "I'm sure Ruben will be dealt with accordingly. But then again, so will Brax." M'kkusss Brax says, "they are not on equal footing here" M'kkusss Brax says, "if you are talking a trial, they'd slap brax on the wrist and kill ruben" Leon says, "Maybe." Ruben says, "I doubt that. I'm sure Leon has time to speak with Andross before Brax is out of recovery." Leon says, "Brax might well have amnesia, if you want." M'kkusss Brax says, "and leon's involvement would directly embarrass andross before the other simians" Leon says, "That way we're even. Because there's no way Leon or Ruben would let Brax slide after what he did." M'kkusss Brax says, "Now amnesia changes the story a lot" M'kkusss Brax says, "but some burns aint'd need some poison or something too" Leon says, "I dunno. He could go into shock." Ruben says, "Well, if you want to make this into a heavy song and dance you're welcome to. Ruben will be off the planet and resuming his covert work on Corneria once more before Brax wakes up." M'kkusss Brax says, "okay, this is starting to annoy go from reasonable to crazy in zero flat" Leon says, "You're joking, right?" M'kkusss Brax says, "while I'm willing to buy the shock stuff...there is NO FUCKING WAY anyone leaves after someone like brax is burned near to death" M'kkusss Brax says, "there'd be a lock down like there was no tommorrow" Leon says, "Sure. That works." M'kkusss Brax says, "shit...they'd lock the place down if wolf fricking stubbed his toe" Leon nods. So there's a lockdown. That's fine. Ruben says, "Considering what has been occuring at the base with prisoners being killed and the grav-chamber, I'm surprised there hasn't been one already." Ruben says, "But, I understand. A lock down does make sense." M'kkusss Brax says, "well it's one thing having an eccentric leader doing some crazy stuff, then another to have something REALLY bad happen to said leader...the part about him being crazy goes right out the window and it becomes A prominent leader was injured" Leon says, "And one of Andross' favourites had his adopted daughter kidnapped and enslaved by said leader." Leon says, "I don't think that would go over too well." M'kkusss Brax says, "this is the sort of thing that sparks off wars...I'd figure corneria to rtake a pounding for this one" Ruben says, "I believe the words "He had it coming" spring to mind." M'kkusss Brax says, "ONE there is NO way theyd have known about that until he arrived so they couldn't take that in consideration" Leon says, "Talk to Mara about that. I got a message ICly from her." Ruben says, "Actually, think of it this way." Ruben says, "Leon and Ruben have an altercation with Brax and Mara and Wolf get involved. Brax claims he will 'get the non-StarWolf ones'." Ruben says, "Not too long afterwards, Ruben is assualted and Mara kidnapped." Ruben says, "While Mara's kidnappers were NOT known, Ruben's attacker was." M'kkusss Brax says, "just out of curiosity ...who was keeping tabs on mara?" M'kkusss Brax says, "oh yes, I do so hope you are SO open to rational when this comes back around" Ruben says, "Mara sent an email to Leon that someone was breaking into her flat. At the same time, Ruben in pain and anger suspected that Brax would do something to Mara as well, but was only physically able to leave the infirmary without being stopped VERY recently. So, he went to Corneria, calling his teammate Chosun to meet him." Ruben says, "Leon also went there, having read the email." Ruben says, "Ruben jumped the conclusions, and managed to convince the others after seeing the struggle signs that the timing of it was to do with Brax. He simply wanted revenge on his own attack." Ruben says, "So it turned out he was right, but by that point he had already put into motion his plans, and it just gave him all the more reason to retaliate. He can claim, that all reasonable doubt about the ill intentions of Brax were thrown out at that moment and he became resolved to punish Brax for his crimes against them." M'kkusss Brax says, "a subordinate...punishing...." M'kkusss Brax says, "good grief I've heard enough" Leon says, "He wasn't just going to sit there and take it. My God." Ruben says, "No, there's one more thing." Gentleman Rogue Leon says, "Just because Brax has power doesn't mean he can walk around abusing people expecting to get away with it." Gentleman Rogue Leon says, "OOPS" Leon says, "Just because Brax has power doesn't mean he can walk around abusing people expecting to get away with it." Fluffy Bubbly Moll says, "NAUGHTY." Gentleman Rogue Leon says, "It was an accident!" Ruben says, "Far from it, and he had already been displaying behaviour that was both unbefitting and unbecoming of his rank." Seppel has connected. M'kkusss Brax says, " all likelihood he be transfered to different duty and such, but there e would have to be a seperate trial for the mean time nothing can excuse what ruben has doene and Leon would have to sell ruben up the river just to cover his own ass" Chosun says, "I'm safe though, right? Nothing against Chosun? Good." M'kkusss Brax says, "what I'm saying is, where this could cost brax his WOULD cost ruben his life" Leon says, "Did you ever ask Ruben his name, ICly?" M'kkusss Brax says, "chosun? that would depend on how safe leon wanted to be...every person that can tie him to the event is one to many" M'kkusss Brax says, "hmm why bother, just go and check the watch quarter station bill for who is on duty at that time presto...he knows everything...." M'kkusss Brax says, "and that would be in the past" Love Hurts... Seppel says, "Goddammit, I'm STILL in chargen." Venom's Thorne M'kkusss Brax says, "That's funny" Venom's Thorne M'kkusss Brax says, "but only because of your timing" Love Hurts... Seppel says, "Oh?" Venom's Thorne M'kkusss Brax says, "long story, but let's just say I'm gratefulll for your outburst" M'kkusss Brax says, "see as I even put into the rp itself...this entire thing was WAY to predicatble and obvious....the cleanup on a mess like this would be almost impossible just because of how sloppy it was...the only way would be for one person to screw over everyone else...meaning leon and mara get away...everyone else dies, then brax gets out of the tank and there is a new dispute to be handled" Ruben says, "Sloppy? I don't think it's sloppy at all. It did exactly what was needed." Leon says, "Didn't you think about that before you burned Ruben and kidnapped Mara?" M'kkusss Brax says, "there were too many ways to trace this back to ruben and by association chosun and leon....leon could disown ruben for his loose canon behaviour but he'd still have crap to deal with, but I dont see any way of the rest to get out of this" Leon says, "What do you think we would have done? Just sat there?" Love Hurts... Seppel says, "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK" Seppel has disconnected. M'kkusss Brax says, "you would have been better off sabotaging a ship or something...this was like a mob hit gone completely to hell" Leon says, "We ICly expected him to vaporize." M'kkusss Brax says, "hell poison would have been less traceble than this" Leon says, "Ash wouldn't have been traceable." Ruben says, "Tracable? It's Brax's word against theirs. Ruben DID mention that the cameras were off." Ruben says, "Furthermore, as said, the prisoners would not report Ruben because they too were being brutalized by Brax." M'kkusss Brax says, "yall really should have spoke to me about this...I would have given you the info needed to make this work a lot better...cause as it is...there aint many ways to salvage this situation" Ruben says, "Well, there are plenty of ways to salvage it." M'kkusss Brax says, "as opposed to what leon, harlequin and any other did?" M'kkusss Brax says, "bullshit, with brax alive they either pony up or knuckle under" Leon says, "You're giving your character too much credit." Ruben says, "Far too much credit." Leon says, "Andross is laughing. At all of us." M'kkusss Brax says, "no I'm giving them a will to live...You are giving your's too much credit in assuming that you are just gonna have nothing happen" Leon says, "We never said nothing was gonna happen." Chosun says, "Really, now. Putting words in our mouths?" M'kkusss Brax says, "'call it even'?" Ruben says, "Brax should if he knows what's good for him, clam up and not say who did what happened to him." M'kkusss Brax says, "Oh you are right about that one thing...He'd clam up and blame it on a cornerian terrorist, because that would strengthen the war effort...but HE would still take action" Leon says, "That's fine." Leon says, "We'll deal with it as it comes." M'kkusss Brax says, "but ou see, leon does not put the empire first like that, so if he said ANYTHING there would be issures" M'kkusss Brax says, "Man I hate telnet" Leon says, "Leon isn't saying anything." Leon says, "He's satisfied." Ruben says, "They just dealt with the issue, I don't see the need for them to report Brax now." Huh? (Type "help" for help.) Ruben says, "If they'd wanted to report him, they'd have forgone the trap." M'kkusss Brax says, "but that still leaves the issue of the pawns....that would be you chosun and you do we deal with you two?" M'kkusss Brax says, "we can hide mara in leon's pocket" Leon says, "You're welcome to try and get even with them." Leon says, "But if they go missing, Leon -will- speak up." Ruben says, "Like I said, first available opportunity Ruben is back on Corneria on his mission. Till then he'll be well protected." M'kkusss Brax says, "leon would knoww brax would have to deal with him directly, but these two have next to no protection really considering the sheer wealth of resource against them" Ruben says, "Likewise Chosun with him." Leon says, "If Brax wants to risk losing his job, sure." M'kkusss Brax says, "leon speaks up he screws himself as well...perhaps I saw the details wrong, but isn't he a save my own ass first type?" Leon says, "No." Ruben says, "Ruben and Chosun liberated Leon from a prison." Leon says, "Leon's got moral obligations." M'kkusss Brax says, "so he'd twist under the microscope for them?" M'kkusss Brax says, "MORAL....oh..oh." Leon says, "If it came to that, sure." Leon says, "Though my character's +history has Andross in it. I don't think he'd push things too much." M'kkusss Brax says, "Let's establish something here...I might not be using an FC but I do have the most important Non FC available....I'm not to be just discounted" Leon says, "I know." Leon says, "Likewise, Andross isn't going to push things with Brax either." Leon says, "So it's kind of a stalemate." Leon says, "He'd probably let them deal with things on their own." M'kkusss Brax says, "DO you, cause everything said here has pretty much treated it like my char was just another grunt to be bent over the barrel" Leon says, "No." Leon says, "What I'm saying is, Brax has just as much power as Leon does. When he messes with his friends and his family, things are going to happen." M'kkusss Brax says, "but this returns it to the original know ...chosun gets the shaft the worst here....she jsust sot of walked up said hi and is in a pile" Ruben says, "Why? Who's resporting her?" M'kkusss Brax says, "no I would be talking abpout making the powerfull enemies part" Ruben says, "Any way Brax tries to retaliate, Chosun will deal with it. We'" Leon says, "It happens." Ruben says, "We'll all deal with it." M'kkusss Brax says, "right, that's fine, but I'd advise dropping that try part" Ruben says, "Don't think for a moment Ruben doesn't understand what he's just done. HENCE him getting the hell away as soon as he can." Leon says, "What try part?" Ruben says, "I believe he means Brax WILL retaliate, not try to. In which case we're back to the square one of Leon responding in kind. Stalemate." M'kkusss Brax says, "''''''tries to retaliate.'''''" Leon says, "Fine by me." M'kkusss Brax says, "see here's the rub best it comes down to brax and leon again....seeing as leon could reply after brax picked them off, but the stopping him before hand part would be tricky at best" Chosun says, "So I'm lost. What's Brax's big point? is the RP scene finished?" Ruben says, "I guess it is done." M'kkusss Brax says, "my point was that yall should rewrite this little it is it is only going to make things worse" Ruben says, "I don't see how. It'll result in more RP." M'kkusss Brax says, "I said before I'll hellp but a very public burning is just crazy" Leon says, "So is a public fucking." Leon says, "*cough*Mahla*cough*" Ruben says, "I was gonna say..." M'kkusss Brax says, "alright, have at it then" Chosun says, "Ouch." Leon says, "I suspect Mara too, if it hadn't been for her OOC non-consent." M'kkusss Brax says, "suspect her of what and non consent what?" Leon says, "Nevermind." Leon says, "What I'm saying is, nobody ICly knows what you did with Mahla." Leon says, "Why should anyone ICly know what happened to Brax?" M'kkusss Brax says, "you are kidding right?" Ruben says, "Yeah, all bases were covered on this. No video, no audio. Few willing witnesses, you said Brax WON'T blab anyway for the sake of pride." Leon says, "Tell me how the situation is different." Leon says, "Besides, Brax is hardly hurt." Chosun says, "I'm too lazy to read all this. Can you just give me a summary? Such as "I want you to take all that IC stuff back because I don't like the situation"?" Leon says, "He'll be sore for a few weeks, and his scales will be itchy, but he'll be out of there by morning." M'kkusss Brax says, "do you have any idea how many tattoos he's gonna have to get redone?" Leon says, "That's a whole lot better than getting your back burned off." Chosun has disconnected. Chosun has disconnected. Chosun has connected. Chosun has connected. Ruben says, "Yeah, Ruben is sleeping on his front for a long time to come." M'kkusss Brax says, "hey, brax got zapped in that too" M'kkusss Brax says, "technically worse seeing as he was the ground" M'kkusss Brax says, "okay the armor helps...but still, he did get it worse..." Ruben says, "And you brushed it off as nothing." Ruben says, "Whereas Ruben did feel it, and was injured." M'kkusss Brax says, "No I didn't...I said he acted as nothing..." Ruben says, "Whereas Ruben COULDN'T act cause he was frying and was in too much pain." Leon says, "Disfigured for life." M'kkusss Brax says, "just like when mahla handed him his ass, he acted like he could fight more, but the facts were he limped away and crashed out" Leon says, "Same goes for Mara." M'kkusss Brax says, "oh poo scars..." Leon says, "Oh no my tattoos!" M'kkusss Brax says, "touche" Whispering Liar Ruben says, "Man, grow up. Just admit you got what was coming to you. Cause and effect made you its spanking baby tonight." Chosun says, "Does ooh got the sniffoos?" Ruben says, "Whoops!" M'kkusss Brax says, "Just as long as you are willing to admit you are now officialy screwed for going too far" Leon says, "Excuse me." Ruben says, "I never denied it." Leon says, "You went too far first." Ruben says, "Did you listen?" Ruben says, "We're able to accept the consequences of how we played." M'kkusss Brax says, "okay...I recognise that tree over there....sombody stop the car and open up the map" Leon says, "What do you want??" Ruben says, "Yeah, seriously." Leon says, "To pretend this never happened?" Leon says, "That Brax gets to keep Mara as his sex slave while Leon whistles in a corner?" Chosun says, "It's just a game. Quit whining and play along with it." Leon says, "For Ruben to get reconstructive surgery and bend over whenever he sees Brax in the hall?" Ruben says, "That Ruben is gonna let himself be a walking mat?" M'kkusss Brax says, "nope, that would be silly...what we are going to do is stop this conversation and find new things to do" M'kkusss Brax says, "you people need to get a sense of humor and be a LOT less personal" Ruben says, "We're in character, knob-head." Ruben says, "And you're not funny." M'kkusss Brax says, "I haven't tossed any insults and actually managed to throw a few laughs in here..." Chosun says, "Then why are you protesting it so much?" Ruben says, "Yeah, seriously." Ruben says, "No one protested when you said we were going to." M'kkusss Brax says, "In character? but those letters next to our speach...." Ruben says, "Oh good, now you're going to argue semantics." M'kkusss Brax says, "Hold on...I need to breathe" Leon says, "ICly, our characters wouldn't stand for what your character did." Ruben says, "That's what I meant, what Leon just said." Ruben says, "Not EVERYONE comes in here to have sex with every female or near female in the MUSH and ritually scar their genitals." M'kkusss Brax says, "Yeah and I said revenge was in order...I just think burning was a poor choice...but that aside, can we stop now? you guys are getting repetitive" Leon says, "Fine." Ruben says, "Aye yaye yaye." M'kkusss Brax says, "there you go getting personal and insultive again" Leon says, "How is that personal? :P" M'kkusss Brax says, "I really dont appreciate that, it is SO totally uncalled for" Ruben says, "Actually it was quite a generalization." M'kkusss Brax says, "now who is arguing semantics?" Leon says, "Okay." Leon says, "Here's the deal." Ruben says, "Hold on, let me catch my breath." M'kkusss Brax says, "nevermind...I'm gonan let it slide , but that was a hugely uncalled for statement" Leon rubs temples. Chosun says, "I TRUST WE CAN ALL STILL BE FRIENDS?!" Leon says, "That's fine by me. I just think everyone needs to think things about more carefully in the future." M'kkusss Brax says, "after that jab???? I suppose, though somehow I get the impression I shall be the one that takes the least of this into grudge mode" Ruben says, "Eh, I can take it or leave it, really." Chosun says, "Well you sure had a grudge against our roleplaying actions. and went on making retroactive threats." M'kkusss Brax says, "if that were so you wouldn't have made that outburst" Ruben says, "Wait, that was YOU doing that? Sorry dude!" M'kkusss Brax says, "no I simply pointed out the holes in the plan, just like is done every time I bring up something I feel is plausible that someone else dislikes" Ruben says, "I'll never say "AYE YAYE YAYE" again. I'm sorry." M'kkusss Brax says, "right, condescending now? Can't you just stop with the insults and let this stay mature?" Leon says, "You didn't give us to point out the flaws in burning Ruben, or kidnapping and enslaving Mara." M'kkusss Brax says, "when did you try...I discussed what I did with mara....maybe not you...but with the victim yes" M'kkusss Brax says, "as for the burning...ruben could have objected" Leon says, "You could have objected too." M'kkusss Brax says, "I do beleive I did.... A LOT" Leon says, "You say the plan was predictable. Then why didn't you stop it ahead of time?" M'kkusss Brax says, "you weren't here, but I was pointing it all out as I went" Chosun says, "OHHHH, was he?!?!" Ruben says, "He was mentioning how predictable it was and some such... not like he did anything about it really." Ruben says, "It was all IC statements." Ruben says, "About suspicions and junk. Not spoken IC, internal thoughts IC." M'kkusss Brax says, "because I didn't ewant to be called a godmoder for picking apart the obvious I made note of my knowledge in a passive fashion" Leon says, "So you tried to break out using a toilet?" Chosun says, "I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND. You think it's not fair, or what?" M'kkusss Brax says, "last timre I started winning in a fight cause I saw the flaws in what someone was doing I got called overpowered....but it's ot my fault I can see where things are going in advance" M'kkusss Brax says, "okay...everything I did..I worked up explained in detail and left room for reply...." Chosun says, "So it was all fair, right?" Ruben says, "At any time, you coulda said "Hey, stop. No" and we'd have worked it out." M'kkusss Brax says, "on the other hand there was the instnt lockin the hairtrigger bomb that instantly engulphed the room, despite being under a bed, there by actually having prolly left out a section of the room...Again my argument was muted because as david put it " People here are not gonna be realistic"" Chosun says, "REALISTIC?! HAW HAW HAW" Ruben says, "Dude... you're the one with the antrigravity room." Ruben says, "anti, rather." M'kkusss Brax says, "in reference to attention to detail" M'kkusss Brax says, "no I dont...and you prove my attention to detail" Chosun says, "Well you could have pointed it out. and you didn't." M'kkusss Brax says, "long agao doc made it clear that the only people with ANTI grav were the wolf and fox squadrans" Ruben says, "Okay, GRAVITY room then." M'kkusss Brax says, "what I have does the exact opposite and I cleared it with doc on the public channel first" Chosun says, "So, you're saying we're godmoders? I'm not quite sure here, is that what you're implying?" Ruben says, "Okay, I've seriously lost the will to care anymore. The session is over, and Leon's wisely gotten out of this. I'm gonna just stay silent now." M'kkusss Brax says, "not quite...I call you bullies more than anything...we all feel this way, you dont...the only real implication is that if an agreement isn't in your favor I get stuck rping with the joke chars like will?" Leon says, "WE'RE bullies?" M'kkusss Brax says, "in a manner of speaking" Leon says, "Look." Leon says, "Ruben and Leon weren't even doing anything when you -first- threatened them." Chosun says, "Hey bud, if you dish it out..." M'kkusss Brax says, "okay let's look at this in an IC situation with any realism.....Ruben was standing watch and doing A HORRIBLEWE job of it in front of a very senior oficer...threatening is what they do" Leon says, "How was he doing a horrible job?" Leon says, "Ruben isn't even under your command." M'kkusss Brax says, "Now this statement can be deffused by davids comment about no one following the rules of their char to that extent and if so fine I drop it all right there" M'kkusss Brax says, "Ruben is in the Venom military...period" M'kkusss Brax says, "Some one high up in the air force can still chew out some one low down in the army" M'kkusss Brax says, "the higher ups can chew on the low ranking...period." Leon says, "So you threatened to beat the shit out of him." Leon says, "You were in fact going to." Leon says, "Wait." Leon says, "You DID." M'kkusss Brax says, "you have NO idea how often that really happen here and now in the real military...but then nevermind" M'kkusss Brax says, "Its what they DO...." Leon says, "I'm sure kidnapping people and making them sex slaves happens a lot too." Leon says, "But I wouldn't know." M'kkusss Brax says, "well we did have those cases of the marines doing that...but they didn't get away with it" Leon says, "This isn't real life." Leon says, "You can't just go abusing other characters ICly. For no reason. Ruben wasn't doing anything wrong." M'kkusss Brax says, "damn hold on....this stuff does happen a bit too often...we have bases being closed down in korea and japan because of EXACTLY that happening" Leon says, "Does that instantly mean that your character is safe from reprisal??" M'kkusss Brax says, "like I said...if you wanna eliminate all realism I have nothing to say....if you take in consideration he's in ANY kind of military service...he was doing something wrong" Haru has disconnected. Leon says, "What was he doing wrong??" M'kkusss Brax says, "And no...I have never said my char was fact I have repeatedly offered to help you go about it in more plausible fashions..." Leon says, "Uuuurgh." Leon says, "Plausible." M'kkusss Brax says, "What he was doing is called derreliction of duty and/or not standing a propper watch" Leon says, "Because kidnapping someone's daughter, branding her, making her a sex slave and parading her around in front of her father is REALLY PLAUSIBLE." M'kkusss Brax says, "AGAIN...I cleared that with her...not you because well....your not her player" Leon says, "That doesn't matter." M'kkusss Brax says, "and there was no sex....just a skimpy outfit" Leon says, "My character responded how he would have." Leon says, "It may have been decided between you two, and that's fine. But -she- knew what was going to happen." Leon says, "There are consequences for that sort of thing." M'kkusss Brax says, "but it does matter because you keep throwing it up as me going haywire...but I didn't" Leon says, "It effects more than just you two." M'kkusss Brax says, "everything I did, I did in steps and announced what was going to happen next" Leon says, "Um." Leon says, "Look at it from my point of view." Leon says, "I've been RPing with Mara as her guardian for months." Leon says, "I log on one day and find out that she's ICly been kidnapped, and enslaved." Leon says, "That -affects- my character." M'kkusss Brax says, "okay while we're suddenly being openminded...step into my shoes" Leon says, "Yeah. I am. I log on, see people in the prison hall, and go to pick a fight for the sake of picking a fight. When nothing happens, I decide to escalate the situation by burning somebody and kidnapping someone else." Chosun says, "There's nothing unrealistic about wanting to get revenge, whether or not you think Brax deserves it." Leon says, "Why Brax decided to burn Ruben and kidnap Mara is beyond me. Just because he could?" M'kkusss Brax says, "My character has a resposibility to make sure a massive war machine runs as smoothly as possible, he comes across someone that is not leadership mixing in disrespectfully, shaming his uniform and then making comments that NO one should make , now leon gets away with it caus e he has the equivalent of keys to the presidents pad...ruben on the other hand is in the military...that means he CANT get away with it, NOR retaliate really" Leon says, "Killing prisoners randomly, having sex with fellow officers in a gravity room, abusing underlings and kidnapping the daughters of your equals does -not- make things run smoothly. Sorry." Leon says, "You stepped over the line and you pushed. We pushed back. It's as simple as that." M'kkusss Brax says, "yeah, I thought that look at it my way stuff was bullshit" Chosun says, "So your character thinks he's justified in what he did. SO WHAT?" Chosun says, "Our characters think what they did was justified too!" M'kkusss Brax says, "okay let me try to show you this in another way... WHy do we have the pilot clases?" Leon says, "Don't you dare bring in rank to this." Leon says, "You can't abuse other characters ICly all the time." Leon says, "That's -wrong- OOCly." M'kkusss Brax says, "are you sying I'm one sided?" Leon says, "I'm saying that you're upset with us because we locked you in a cell and set you on fire." M'kkusss Brax says, "are you going out of your way to avoid reasonable statements?" Leon says, "Look, this isn't going anywhere." Leon says, "If you want, I'll have a wizard make a call on it," Leon says, "How does that sound?" M'kkusss Brax says, "because you wont let it...I have cast iron ways to point all thais out, when I point you refuse to look, you say or point and I examine it" M'kkusss Brax says, "dont dare bring rank into the issue...rank was what started the whole thing in the first place" Leon says, "Don't use rank as an excuse to abuse other people OOCly." M'kkusss Brax says, "who have I abused ooc?" Leon says, "Look." Leon says, "You kick the shit out of us." M'kkusss Brax says, "you keep saying look, but why dont you look?" Leon says, "Because you're a higher rank, we're not allowed to kick back?" Leon says, "Is -that- what you're saying>" M'kkusss Brax says, "no HE isn;'t allowed to for the for that reason....he WAS in the wrong...straight across the board" M'kkusss Brax says, "no where in anything can you talk shit about the guy in charge right in front of him" M'kkusss Brax says, "you wanna call the root of this matter in question...then look at it for what it is" Leon says, "Look." M'kkusss Brax says, "there you go again" Leon says, "We'll just say this never happened." Leon says, "How's that?" M'kkusss Brax says, "and just how far back are we supposed to be going?" Leon says, "The start." M'kkusss Brax says, "deus ex machina and all that...." Leon says, "Kidnap Mara for another reason. I don't care." Leon says, "I won't have -anything- to do with it." Leon says, "My character won't stand for it. So he won't know about it." M'kkusss Brax says, "as I expected...none of this ever happened and now let's not be rping anymore, right?" Leon says, "You've painted us into a corner." Leon says, "You won't allow our characters to behave the way they would behave." M'kkusss Brax says, "you have been blindingly predicatable and yet you refuse to acknowledge anything...." M'kkusss Brax says, "HOLD can do whatever you want, but not me?" Leon says, "You already did whatever you wanted." M'kkusss Brax says, "if one has to stay within bounds so do all" Leon says, "You never set the bounds." M'kkusss Brax says, "no...I stayed with oin some actually very rigid bounds" Chosun says, "Hey, we never protested when you had your way with us. You should be the same." Leon says, "Bull shit." M'kkusss Brax says, "I I broadcasted them constantly" Leon says, "Rigid bounds my ass." Ruben says, "Isn't Mara wearing some magical unremovable collar?" M'kkusss Brax says, "brax only bothered ruben when it was the start of this whole trap he even asked this business or personal so he'd know how to treat him" M'kkusss Brax says, "with brax in a tank blood is pretty easy to get" M'kkusss Brax says, "I told chosun to say it required brax's blood that it" M'kkusss Brax says, "you could fricking get that from his file" Leon says, "I want to know when Doc introduced magic into the MUSH." Chosun has disconnected. Chosun has disconnected. M'kkusss Brax says, "I'm sure they have sample" Chosun has connected. Chosun has connected. M'kkusss Brax says, "dinosaur planet was almost noting BUT magic" Chosun says, "Yes, I did pass it on. Despite how ridiculous it sounded." Leon says, "Dinosaur Planet hasn't even been explored yet, if you'd look at the files." Chosun says, "UHOH! DID SOMEONE FORGET TO PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS?" M'kkusss Brax says, "so it get thrown out if that much was an was purely cosmetic, had no bomb or anything and was easy to bypass...." M'kkusss Brax says, "a tiny ommission at best" Leon says, "Forget it." Ruben says, "Y'know, this is actually the first time any of us have had any sort of issue like this rping as we have done." Chosun says, "At least Mahla is a good sport about it." M'kkusss Brax says, "are you going to say that I am the problem then? Ah...should I just not rp here anymore?" Ruben says, "You should try to be more accomodating to other people, is what I'm saying." M'kkusss Brax says, "Oh w" Ruben says, "You have, since you got here, sad many things quite uncalled for." Ruben says, "Calling David outright lazy, like you have the right to." M'kkusss Brax says, "I think there is gonna be a lingering issue...I wanna play with a semblance just wana do what the heck ever....that really isn't fair" Leon says, "Ugh." Leon says, "I'm sick of this." Venom's Thorne M'kkusss Brax says, "Dude..I told him I was kidding he said stop ANd ....I did" Leon says, "-You- did whatever you wanted. We acted accordingly, and now you're upset with us." Ruben says, "Yeah, seriously. Then you were misspelling Ruben just to see if I'd react. And you commented I was too dumb to notice when the truth was I didn't care." M'kkusss Brax says, "That was purely nonsense...I rp on telnet...I mispell everything that isn't a measured post" M'kkusss Brax says, "I said just logged out too fast" Ruben says, "You sit there going publically "NOW WHO WILL I STEAL AWAY TO MY SECRET LOVE STATION ON THE MOON" every time you log on." Ruben says, "Or "WHO SHALL I TERRORIZE NOW"" Ruben says, "So we tried to do something with you, and now you're pissed at US?" Chosun says, "Funny, I remember you saying that your misspelling Ruben's name was intentional." M'kkusss Brax says, "another way of saying who wants to rp...It's not like I can kidnap all of corneria to bring em here for rp...but I cant rp with them on corneria witout some plot device like that otherwise all there is thw wolf squadron" M'kkusss Brax says, "and how is that gonna work?" Ruben says, "Well I dunno, but some of US manage to do it fine." M'kkusss Brax says, "funny I remeber taking it back right after" M'kkusss Brax says, "thats because you do just anything...How in the heck is a char like this one supposed to rp on corneria?" M'kkusss Brax says, "please give me something that resembles a sensabl e answer?" Ruben says, "Oh, you know my character head to toe from three rps with it." M'kkusss Brax says, "I asked about mine...not yours" Ruben says, "I don't do 'just anything'." Chosun says, "Well, use your character rank or something! It obviously gives you the right!" M'kkusss Brax says, " reason in that statement" Ruben says, "There's no rhyme nor reason in yours either." M'kkusss Brax says, "it is the very rank of the char that makes it so I cant rp on corneria" Ruben says, "It's all our fault, our problem, our doing. We're the unfair ones!" M'kkusss Brax says, "chars like dimitrik would immediately recognise him and have him brought down" Ruben says, "This argument is all our fault because we said "WE ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF OUR ACTIONS"" M'kkusss Brax says, "Dude? what the heck are you talking about now?" Ruben says, "And it's our fault we can't get a resolution because you don't know what the hell you want and every time we suggest something you shoot it down!" M'kkusss Brax says, "why is it everytimg I try to explain something you flip out?" Ruben says, "I'm flipping out? I've been talking to a brick wall for half an hour. I was FLIPPED OUT long ago." M'kkusss Brax says, "that isn't true at all, I said I would accept the whole thing, I just said I didn't like it and that there would be problems...I then said I'll stop now...." M'kkusss Brax says, "it;'s true that everytime a new point was popped I went ahead and played along keeping it going, but no more that you" Ruben says, "Yeah, but you DIDN'T STOP. I stopped talking for twenty minutes almost and you kept going. You just chose to argue with someone ELSE." M'kkusss Brax says, "you didn't have to pop back in? would that not be you doing that?" M'kkusss Brax says, "I did my part, you did yours" M'kkusss Brax says, "as you said...leon had went silent ....but there was something he didn';t like and he came had ANY of us stopped when we'd have long since been over" Ruben says, "No, your part is shutting up. THREE people, and four if Mara was still here, agree you are wrong." M'kkusss Brax says, "ah right, then it's back to the we say so thing now that logic come sback...fine" M'kkusss Brax says, "but at least now you know why I use the term bully" Ruben says, "Well what makes YOUR opinion bettter than ours?" M'kkusss Brax says, "I turn that question back on you" M'kkusss Brax says, "I just said everything was equal...YOU said no it's not" M'kkusss Brax says, "look, those words are still on the screen, you can read em if you lookk" Ruben says, "My opinion is backed up not only by other people, but by other people who I have had pleasant experiences rping with." Ruben says, "Now, I have to say that you have made MY experience with YOU very unenjoyable." M'kkusss Brax says, "again, you are avoiding being reasonable....I'm gonna do my part as you said....and shut up" Ruben says, "It's too late for that." M'kkusss Brax says, "oh yeah and leon...I think if you bounced this off a whiz You could prolly get me kicked out of here if you like....not because what I did was wrong, but you can all group together and say I make you rights he'll prolly toss me if you feel that is the best course" Leon says, "I don't plan on doing that." M'kkusss Brax says, "what? it's too late t o shut up? will you make up your mind on what YOU want?" M'kkusss Brax says, "you just keep hopping from foot to foot" Ruben says, "I'm through having anything to do with you Brax. Today was the last straw." M'kkusss Brax says, "I told you that you'd say that like 45 mins agao....about time you caught up" Ruben says, "And if Leon and Chosun follow suit, and then Mara." M'kkusss Brax says, "II just said that as well" Ruben says, "You'll have some pretty limited options." M'kkusss Brax says, "twice" Leon has disconnected. Leon has disconnected. Chosun has disconnected. Chosun has disconnected. M'kkusss Brax says, "ah back to the rping with joke chars statement from about 20 mins back" Ruben says, "Well enjoy rping with the joke characters then, you'll fit right in."