Apologies to Vixette. She “won” main character status by roll of a dice.
Her breathing was heavy and laboured, and she could feel the beads of sweat running down her forehead. Her every pounding heartbeat was in synch with her motions, each bounce punctuated by her pulse. She was almost sick from exhaustion, unsure how much she could take, how much more she could stand… but there was no choice in the matter. She had to grit her teeth and try to keep it together.
Vixette had been running for what felt like hours through the darkened streets of Old Sydney, stealth thrown to the wind in favour of a panicked escape. They had all entered in together in an attempt to find some old tech, to try and turn their little rag-tag gang of thugs into a force on the streets of the more inland New Sydney, but had found more than they'd bargained for near where the building met the risen coastline. They weren't the only gang moving in, and they were the lesser armed group. In an attempt to minimize casualties, they'd all made a run for it in different directions, and now Vixette was alone, with only two clips to a pistol and an energy tracer that was originally going to lead them to the tech. Now it was going to tell her if any vehicles were giving chase.
“Fucking Space Ninjas” she gasped, slowing finally as her legs began to scream what could only be their last few steps before she collapsed, “Bunch of drug-fucked sword-wielding big gun shooting morons…”
Just cursing the name of the gang that had attacked the group seemed to summon bad luck for Vixette, as her energy tracer began to register a fast closing blip heading towards her, from the direction she'd been running from. Cursing a little more, Vixette tiredly looked around for somewhere to hide. To her right was rubble, but to her left were steps leading downwards, to what appeared to be the entrance of some sort of old bar or nightclub that had fallen into disrepair along with the rest of Old Sydney. It would have to do. It sure beat becoming a breeder for the Space Ninjas… they spent so long drugged up and spitting out babies they were called ‘Space Cows', on account that they'd fall over like one if you tipped them.
Reaching down to the very pit of her stomach, Vixette ran to the stairs and managed to descend them without tripping, through the open door and to apparent safety. At least, safety if they weren't tracking her by her life-readings.
The bar was definitely in disrepair, but was not empty or out of use. Behind the bar sat a figure, clear in what little light there was, watching a tiny television that rested on the counter top, its sound unintelligible from where Vixette stood (albeit barely standing) and casting a variety of coloured lights upon the face of the building's occupant.
“S-sir” Vixette managed to gasp out as she staggered over to him, “I'm being chased by Space Ninjas. I need somewhere to hide”
The man turned his head, showing off his cybernetic eye and arm as he looked at her, and then pointed behind the bar.
“Get down here” he answered, and happy to take the unspoken offer of safety from a cyborg than try her luck with the Space Ninjas, Vixette fell behind the bar and lay there.
The sounds of engines roared close by the bar, and shouting was audible just over the TV. Vixette glanced up, and realized she could see the television from where she lay… just barely. It was an ancient piece of technology, playing an equally ancient film. On it, some mermaid was swimming through the seas, singing with her crab and fish, and even some sea cucumbers supplying backing vocals as they went on about being ‘under the sea'. Vixette forgot the fact she was being chased when tentacles snatched the mermaid from where she sang and began to roam all over her body, finding her slit with deft precision and pounding into the helpless mermaid with little or no care. Vixette became slightly more disturbed when it became apparent the tentacles belonged to a large and rotund octopus lady. The cyborg shut off the TV before the large woman's eels got involved, which made Vixette relieved but at the same point disappointed.
“They're gone now” the cyborg stated, looking down at Vixette and where she lay, “In fact, they left ten minutes ago”
“I… er…” Vixette started, sitting up from where she had been hiding with some difficulty, “Thank you… I'm so exhausted… they've been chasing me for over an hour” she looked up over the man's cybernetic leg to his face and sighed, “I'm sorry but I need to catch my breath”
“Don't worry about it. I have just the thing for you” he reached across the counter and grabbed a small pill case, opening it up for Vixette to display a row of green gel-like pills, “These are ‘Pickmeups'… they're pretty new on the market but I use them when my body becomes too tired from the stress of moving my inorganic parts. They'll fill your whole body with more energy than you can ever need in one day”
Vixette eyed the pills uneasily, concerned about the man trying to drug her to steal her organs or sell her into slavery… but then, if he'd wanted to hurt her, he could have at any time and not needed to use the pills. Having deliberated upon it, the gang girl took a pill and popped it into her mouth. At first nothing happened, and she was forced to drag herself up to her feet as the cyborg man looked on.
The rush came before she could utter words of disappointment, catching any comment in her throat as her entire body felt like it had been plugged into The ‘Net by its nervous system. She could think clearly, her body felt like it could run twice as far as it already had… and then it hit her, right in the crotch. Like fire it spread across her vagina, from the lips to the insides and even in places she wasn't aware she could feel pleasure in. With a yell of surprise that dived in tone into a groan, Vixette collapsed to her knees, dampening in her jeans as she came like never before.
“You okay?” the cyborg asked, looking somewhat confused.
“I-I feel… oh god… it's so good!” Vixette moaned, trying to put her hands between her legs to stop the sensations that came from her legs rubbing together, only to find it made things worse.
“Huh… I didn't know it did that. I can't feel it in my metal parts” he remarked, a little amused as he unzipped his pants. Vixette's eyes locked on his crotch as a large, metal, and apparently telescopic penis extended from his pants.
“My god… it's… huge!” Vixette stated aloud, standing wobbly back to her feet, the stain on her jeans having spread even more across the front and back of her pants.
“Yeah… I can't feel anything with it, but it makes the ladies happy” the cyborg explained, not even flinching as the gang girl grabbed his metal phallus in her hands and began to play with it.
It didn't take long for her clothes and gear to become piled upon the floor, and even less for her to jump into the lap of the man who had rescued her. The cyborg braced himself against the bar as Vixette grasped his shoulders and position her dripping wet sex over the tip of his metal piece. She was no rookie when it came to sex, but had she been in a sensible state of mind Vixette might have thought twice about what she was about to do. Instead, she dropped herself down upon the cyborg's penis, almost impaling herself on his huge length, her eyes bugging out of her head as she did. It was cold… it was big… and right now in her drug addled state, it was good.
“Oh god yes” she began to blabber, starting with prayers to the heaven as she eased herself up off the metal cock and back down again, and then shifting into arching her back and beginning to sing the song from the television as she began to bounce herself up and down on the huge metal appendage with her lover just sitting back and letting her have her way with him. It's not like she needed foreplay to get off at the time.
Her breasts bouncing, her eyes rolling back and her breath once more becoming heavy, Vixette's mind trailed off to another place. There she was away from the dark streets, the fighting, and the eking out a living as a cheap mercenary group. There she was naked, and being filled full of steel in all orifices. Her lovers could not tire, would not release prematurely, and would let her take them multiple times until she passed out.
Both reality and fiction exploded as she came, her self-abused passage clamping down on the unyielding form of the metal penis and sending another jolt through her body to make her come again in quick time.
Eventually things faded back to normal, and Vixette became aware of where she was, what had happened, and the man looking at her in a bemused way as she sat panting, still filled with his artificial appendage.
“It's too bad…” she panted, aware once more of the sweat as it trailed in beads down her skin, all over her body “… that you can't ejaculate”
“But I can” the cyborg replied, with a smirk.
“Wha-“ and then Vixette found herself yelling out in surprise and pleasure again, as she became filled with more than just a large metal pole. It was cold, and thick. She'd heard that some cyborgs could ejaculate a synthetic production of semen but… she hadn't exactly been thinking of it at the time had she?
Everything went black.
When she awoke he was still inside her, his fluids and hers having spent some time dribbling out her opening and across what little metal wasn't inside her.
“You might want to leave before the pill's buzz wears off” the cyborg calmly remarked, taking a half-drunk glass of old bourbon off the counter and downing it.
“You know what?” Vixette asked, as she straightened up, resting her hands on his chest and staring into the eyes of her rather inactive lover…
“I think I need another”