Robo Ky #665 Age: Three months. Height: 178cm Weight: 90kg Likes: Being able to follow his programming. Dislikes: Tea cups. Fighting Style: Mimicry of various styles and own robotic fighting methods. Nationality: No country of origin, but modelled off of Ky Kiske, a Frenchman.
Description: From a distance Robo Ky #665 bears a close likeness to a previous UCTF fighter Ky Kiske, although there is an obvious difference in both his hair colour and the shown colour of his copy of Ky's Holy Knights uniform… even Robo Ky’s weapon is modelled after Ky Kiske’s (although only in appearance, as Ky Kiske’s blade is one of a kind).
Closer up however, and it’s clear by Robo Ky’s face he is merely a copy in appearance. His face is a greenish grey coloured metal mask, with rivets along his jawline and his mouth locked in a rectangular shape with perfectly square teeth (neither of which move when he talks). His eyes are almost like a pair of bright blue headlights that are narrowed or widened with moveable sheets of metal, the only way Robo Ky #665 can actually show emotion. To top it all off, Robo Ky sounds very robotic in tone of voice, with a tinny distorted tone. Robo Ky also has access thanks to his power source and make-up to the ability to transform into a variety of objects from a small race car to a small jet.
History: In one of Earth’s many possible futures, a world exists where mankind has discovered ‘magic’, a name given to what became a limitless resource. With everyone having access to it, the balance of powers in the world shifted. At the same time, great technological discoveries using magic were discovered, and although standard technology was banned some people still used it. A creation that came after the discovery of magic was the bio-weapons known as ‘Gears’. What resulted from this was the near destruction of the Japanese people and the rebellion of all Gears led by a Command Gear named Justice.
Justice was eventually destroyed, and after the war a group called the Post-War Administration Bureau was established. Assisting in the repairing of the damage caused to society by the battles with the Gears. As time went on, the Administration fell into the background, and most assumed it and its members were gone. The truth was, the Post-War Administration Bureau had merely moved to consolidate their power under a cloak of secrecy. It was apparent to those who knew of the Bureau that they planned to dominate the world… but how they planned to do so was unknown for quite some time.
It came to a head however, after the incidents surrounding the discovery of the Command Gear Dizzy. Although it was claimed that the Gear had been destroyed the Post-War Administration decided to not only investigate but also decided to use the confusion caused by a strange woman named I-no to consolidate more power.
Attempts were made by the Bureau to capture and brainwash key targets who had made themselves known in the events surrounding the Dizzy incident. Surviving Japanese outside of protection zones, chi users, and anyone else considered easily manipulated was targeted. In order to maintain the anonymity of the organization and its members however, the Bureau made use of the Robo Ky units.
The Robo Ky units were created with the sole purpose of carrying out the orders of the Bureau, and because the Holy Knight known as Ky Kiske was such a “by the book” person they were able to record and analyse more data on him as he operated out in the open than any other potentials for mimicry. Utilizing the appearance of Ky Kiske, and powered by magic generators to supply them with indefinite lifespans in the field the initial Robo Ky unit’s moves were nothing more than copies of Ky Kiske. Initially, success was great. Several targets were captured and brainwashed, but then a steady stream of defeats starting with an attempt to subdue the real Ky Kiske resulted, and no matter the numbers of the units they were defeated by the fighters they faced.
With over a hundred of the initial models destroyed, it was decided that a complete revision of the way the Robo Ky models fought was in order. The mistakes in using mimicry alone were realized and further work into utilizing the limitless potential in the magic generators were used instead. Several test models came and went with research in ordinance that could be mass produced inside of the Robo Ky units was carried out. Eventually a new breed of Robo Ky was made, far more flexible and dangerous than the previous. Although the units were very effective in combat, the research continued to make an even stronger variation.
Finally, it happened. The scientists who worked to create the new Robo Ky robots found a medium ground between the older and the newer models. Initially only able to recreate Ky Kiske’s moves, the newer models’ flexibility allowed them to mimic the moves of other fighters and programming could be adjusted as per each individual Robo Ky unit to perform different enemy techniques for different situations.
This new breed of Robo Ky, although still following production line numbers, became known as the “Mark II” line.
Some were used as assassins, some used as combat powerhouses… others used traps and a variety of other stolen techniques. It was then that #665 came to be. #665’s purpose was to capture the rogue time traveller known as Axl Low, whose knowledge of past, present and future was considered of prime importance to steal. When not able to perform its duties the #665 unit was programmed to enforce the law as a police officer, a general mimic of the practices of Ky Kiske.
Eventually, Robo Ky #665 came across his quarry, and in a fierce battle an errant blow by Axl’s weapons saw the Robo Ky Mark II unit propelled through time to the time that the UCTF and all its fans know as the present. No longer able to perform his duty to capture Axl Low, this Robo Ky unit has fallen back on his secondary function. To be a police officer, and most importantly… to bring some of the more lawless members of the UCTF to answer for their crimes with a strong serving of ass-whipping.
Additional: Robo Ky #665 is generally just referred to as Robo Ky, as there aren’t any other models about. Robo Ky’s entrance theme is The Vandals' cover of the Queen song "Don't Stop Me Now", and just for the fun of it, sometimes Robo Ky may act as his own pyro display, opening panels all over his body and firing short lived but loud and bright fireworks from himself.
Forced time travel and an odd sense of justice make for quite an odd temperament in the slightly damaged CPU of Robo Ky, and he displays a slightly cocky attitude as well as a penchant for confusing the absolute bajesus out of his opponents with moves and actions that think outside the box (forced as the Robo Ky models are to often fight against opponents many times stronger than even their own generator can manage).
Lastly, Robo Ky #665’s body can take a ridiculous amount of punishment without being destroyed. Built for high combat situations it’s very difficult if not impossible to lop off a limb or cave in Robo Ky’s skull. The insides of Robo Ky are like a miniature factory that reuse and manipulate his parts with the infinite energy of his magic generator to do all sorts of bizarre things (such as sprouting extra arms, or turning his sword into a bench).
As stated before, Robo Ky’s moves are a mixture of in-built weapons, hand-to-hand techniques, and the mimicking of other fighter’s moves. To put the icing on the cake, he also has a few personal moves that no other Robo Ky unit has shown in their time, due to the very make-up of the Mark II models themselves.
Standard Moves:
Elbow Gun: Robo Ky stands side-on to his opponent and points the closest arm at his opponent. His arm flips up at the elbow revealing a gun that shoots a solid round into the enemy with enough force to send them reeling backwards. Robo Ky then spits out the shell. The bullets are manufactured inside of Robo Ky’s body, so he never runs out of ammo. The drawback is, the firing speed is very slow.
Double Spring-Fist: Digging his blade into the ground Robo Ky unleashes both fists on the enemy at medium range, his fists extending and retracting quickly. Capable of knocking his opponent off of their feet.
Laser Eyes: Quite simply, Robo Ky shoots two thin, high power beams of energy at the enemy that send jolts of energy through his opponent.
Cannonball Punch: Robo Ky tilts himself slightly sideways and lets his entire torso rotate 360 degrees, coming round in an uppercut to his opponent. The twist is, when doing this Robo Ky’s entire fist becomes a large steel ball.
Knee Rocket: To perform this move, Robo Ky goes down on one knee. His other knee splits open and from it launches a large rocket that shoots straight upwards and outwards in a straight line. Should it hit anything, it will detonate violently. The rockets are constructed inside of Robo Ky’s body, so he does not run out.
Exhaust: Due to the output of his generator and the make of his body, Robo Ky models have been known to overheat. However, to avoid this panels open all over Robo Ky’s body, and steam is let out. This rapidly cools it and avoids any unpleasant incidents involving the unit catching fire. The steam that comes out is generally quite hot but only travels a short distance before dissipating, providing a close range distraction to Robo Ky’s enemies. However, in particularly heated battles the main chest vent can expel a thick brown shot of steam that covers more ground and dissipated slower, and this can be used burn and disorient the enemy. Even more so, if Robo Ky doesn’t expel the steam until his systems are on the verge of overheating before opening his vents, his chest vent will actually shoot a large blast of fire out. Robo Ky is always aware of his own temperature levels, and so will not overheat unless his vents are somehow all blocked.
Mallet Swing: When leaping through the air, Robo Ky swings his sword out in front of him. Instead of slashing the enemy with the sword however, Robo Ky has the sword transform into a large mallet and swats the enemy sideways.
Mallet Slam: When coming down from the air, Robo Ky swings his sword down, and it transforms into a mallet, cracking the opponent on the head and knocking them dizzy.
Electric Chop: Robo Ky makes a vertical chopping motion with a hand, and should the enemy come into contact with that hand they will be on the receiving end of a quick high voltage charge.
Electric Backhand: When an opponent tries to attack from behind, Robo Ky merely pivots on the spot and swings out his hand. As the name suggests, the swing has a charge of electricity uses to blast the enemy backwards. To make sure it connects, Robo Ky’s hand also enlarges.
Spring Headbutt: Robo Ky bends forwards and fires his torso off with an uncoiling spring, smacking his opponent hard in the chest of stomach, knocking them hard backwards.
Paper Fan Attack: Robo Ky performs a short flip in the air, his sword transforming into the shape of a paper fan as he comes down. Of course, the weapon is still made of metal, not paper and hurts like the dickens.
Handstand Somersault: To perform this move, Robo Ky jams his sword into the ground and extends his hands down so they’re not only touching the ground but elevating the rest of his body up off the ground. This is all done very quickly, and Robo Ky follows it up by spinning his body around at the shoulders, delivering a \n electrically charged somersault kick on the spot.
Drill Kick: In the air, Robo Ky transforms one of his legs into a large, spinning drill and thrusts out with it.
Kurattoku Ky?: Robo Ky drops down to one knee and transforms his sword into a bazooka. He puts the bazooka on his shoulder and fires off a shot that doesn’t explode on contact, but actually just slams a hard projectile into the enemy.
Ky-Genshou: Robo Ky’s legs flip up and resemble the head of a horse as he rockets forwards on his boosters (keeping him elevated), sword extended like a lance for jousting. If successfully connected the attack does electric damage.
Ky-Maku Homerun: Robo Ky jumps directly upwards, swinging his sword out above his head to take out any aerial attacks coming from up high. Like many of Robo Ky’s attacks, this one has an electric charge running through it.
Chounai-Ky Bargain: Robo Ky fires off his fist like a homing missile, and explodes on contact. If the fist flies for a small amount of time without hitting the enemy it splits into four finger sized missiles that continue to home in on the enemy, doing less damage by themselves but still plenty should all connect. Robo Ky’s body instantly replaces the fist, but the firing mechanism takes a little time to ready again.
Ita-Ky-geki: Robo Ky runs at the enemy, and charging his entire upper body with electricity he tries to tackle his opponent.
Ky-Denpa: Robo Ky grabs a hold of his opponent, and using the power converter of his generator sucks some of his opponent’s energy out of their body to use for himself. The transfer also subjects the victim to high dosages of electricity.
USB500: Snatching his opponent as they fall, Robo Ky generates a huge amount of electric discharge (by sprouting small tesla coils from his back) and holds the enemy in place in an electrical field, giving him time to follow up.
Gen-Ky Lovers: Not exactly a move per se, but Robo Ky opens a panel on his ankle and out pops a box-shaped panel with a button covered with glass. Bending down Robo Ky smashes the glass and hits the button. What this does, aside from making a bright red flash from Robo Ky's eyes, is release all restraints on the energy that is given out by the generator in his chest. For about ten seconds Robo Ky fights harder and faster than normal until finally his systems can no longer take up the incredible build-up in energy. Once this overload occurs, all the restraints are put back on and the energy is expelled from Robo Ky's body in all directions, forming a field that surrounds Robo Ky. Anyone inside this field becomes like fried chicken, as the energy discharge is so powerful is damages even Robo Ky. As you can imagine by the process and the result, this is more a desperation move than anything else.
Copy Moves:
As earlier stated, aside from Robo Ky’s standard attacks, he has moves which are mimics of fighters from his time. Of course, to suitably perform these attacks Robo Ky #665 uses his transforming body and unusual systems to perform reasonably similar but by no means any less deadly attacks.
Stun Dipper: A move originally used by Ky Kiske, where a fighter slides in low and then trips up the enemy with their weapon. Robo Ky however performs this move by transforming his entire body into a small formula one race car and driving full speed into his opponent’s ankles, and as then shooting his eye lasers into their legs.
Mad Struggle: A move used by the assassin Venom, whose trademark weapon is a pool cue. To do this move Venom jumps into the air, and then comes down diagonally, spinning and repeatedly thrusting his cue. Robo Ky's move is performed the same way, only instead of a pool cue he transforms his sword into a large pointed drill.
Greed Sever: Another Ky Kiske move, where the one performing the move will somersault before hitting their opponent with an electrically charged sword. Robo Ky performs this move the same way, but can also finish the move by spinning around with the momentum of the strike into a horizontal slash that knocks the opponent off their feet.
Kai: A move used by a rogue Japanese man named Anji Mito. To perform this move, one jumps into the air and comes down on the opponent's head with both feet while spinning. Robo Ky's version forgoes spinning his body and instead meshes his legs together to form a pointed spinning drill.
Ryuujin: A move used by the Chinese Martial Artist/Chef Jam Kuradoberi. This move is a forward thrusting flying kick encased in chi energy. Lacking as he is in chi energy Robo Ky instead transforms his foot into a dragon's head that belches fire out and around itself.
On: Another move used by Anji Mito. This move is an anti-air move, where Anji would jump into the air to catch an opponent and trap them between his fans. Once trapped Anji would hit the enemy with a high concentration of energy. Lacking as he is in the mysticals fans Anji uses, Robo Ky extends two giant flyswatters from his back and traps the enemy with them. From there Robo Ky simply uses his own generator's energy to electrocute his opponent.
Overhead Kiss: A move used by a Japanese Pirate named May. To perform this move one grabs the opponent, and then jumps up with them while starting to somersault. The enemy is let go into the air and then slammed with an anchor. Not having an anchor, Robo Ky merely has is feet replaced with two heavy weights and dropkicks the opponent in the stomach.
Lust Shaker: A move used by the ex-Assassin Millia Rage. Millia's hair is her weapon, and to use this move she would jab her hair out with quick high medium and low strikes to disorient and hurt the enemy. Not having morphable hair Robo Ky merely puts his hands behind his back and opens up his chest panel to let out a giant stamp with a picture of Robo Ky on it that is used in the hair's place repeatedly leaving its inky (and hurty) mark all over the opponent's face chest and whever else it hits.
Chemical Aijou: A move used by the masterious and dangerous woman known as I-no. To do this move I-no's hat opens its mouth and lets out a projectile in the shape of a musical note that flies towards the enemy, and upon connecting with them it detonates in an explosion of pure sound. Robo Ky's version is essentially the same, except that the projectile is created from a large speaker that pops out of his chest.
Dame na Yatsu wa Nani wo Yatte mo Dame: Robo Ky's most common finisher. Holding his two arms out and behind him Robo Ky sprouts four more arms (two from either side) and begins wailing away with all six arms in a series of rapid fire body blows. Once the opponent has been suitably pummelled, Robo Ky finishes with a Spring Headbutt to send them crashing to the canvas.
Ky Kokoro no Ichigeki: Robo Ky's anti-air finisher. With an opponent coming downwards, either through falling or attacking, Robo Ky fires off boosters in his feet and rockets headfirst upwards, smashing into the opponent with the impact of his steel skull. As the opponent is forced back upwards, Robo Ky catches them on the flat of his sword and bashes them back to the ground.
Tolonitrotoluene Henshitsu: When faced with overwhelming numbers, Robo Ky can pull out this move to devestate his competition. This move is essentially the same as his Rocket Knee attack, except for two important differences. Instead of one rocket, Robo Ky fires eight in rapid succession. These rockets fly upwards and outwards all together, and anyone caught in their ascent is battered with a rapid series of explosions. If however, no one is hit, the missiles perform their real purpose. Instead of flying off and exploding, the rockets turn in the air and point back downwards. What ensues as the rockets scatter is like an artillery attack on the ring itself, putting anyone in the ring when the eight missiles hit in the middle of an explosive maelstrom. Robo Ky will usually be out of the ring when this happens, unless particularly desperate.
13 Ky-dan: Robo Ky's ultimate finisher, and probably his most bizarre. To perform this move, Robo Ky stuns his enemy with a slash, and then uses the window of opportunity to open his mouth up and disgorge four miniature (only up to ankle height) Robo Ky units who latch onto the enemy's arms and legs. Once in place, all four fire off boosters and drag the opponent into the sky. When in the air all four detonate with a loud, bright, and painful explosion
UCTF History: None.