* NeoPhoenixTE has joined #SFNet * ChanServ sets mode: +o NeoPhoenixTE WELL WELL WELL Hello * Yoshi-Ayarane has joined #SFNet * ChanServ sets mode: +o Yoshi-Ayarane 4,1..interesting timing Hello again Teehee YOU PUNKS 14 ello */stalker* * Haze converts Neo to JPG 4,1Noooo! My quality! 14 I CAN SEE YOUR PIXELS He's all scratchy XD O NO HIS PIXELS? :D 4,1you better have set it for 12 or somethin's gonna fly bahahahahaha * FlyerFox sets it to 1 that reminds me of this one sketch I saw somewhere.... it was making fun of the censors on talk shows these guys were in a locker room and talking about how they were afflicted with PIXEL CHEST 14 they did that on Talk Soup 14 a long time ago That's it! XD My memory is starting to suck, lol 14 that show used to be funny sometimes, until the host left http://archive.dumpshock.com/CLUE/ShowCLUE.php3?page=casefile27.htm 10http://www.bash.org/?2904 10I remember PIXEL CHEST! HURRAH 4,1..this AeonPhoenix guy.. 4,1...I'm freaked out o_O Why? 4,1okay ??? 4,1his avatar n mine look PAINFULLY alike 4,1and after a PM storm, we even look the same o_o;;;;;; 4,1he has painfully curly hair 4,1same shade of brown 4,1and he wears all black o_o o_O 4,1He even has the coat I've alwasy wanted THE FIEND 11,2now that Neo broke up with Mara, he's created a new alternate personality EEP x_x He's going to end up marrying himself, I'm sure. 11,2you two have so much in common 11,2... that it'd probably be incest if you married him. but does he have a Firewire cable stickin' out of his head? ^_- 4,1I can't tell.. 4,1..his hair is nearly as outta control as Ravens.. 4,1........Raven Neo fusion result? o_O;; x_x 10http://www.bash.org/?2934 O NO It's Raven come to seduce you o_O Or Yoshi cloning Neo for double the fun ..... 4,1..she would I already cloned him ^_- 10...but it turns out the Neo clone just wants Neo. 10LOVE TRIANGLE How ironic! Teehee 4,1okay I cloned him, um.... a year and 10 months ago. 4,1woudl that be yaoi, incest, or masturbation? ..... If it's the former... I wanna see 14 ...I leave for a minute to read the link Flyer posted >:D 14 and this is what I come back and se muahahahahaha 14 I didn't say stop They're dirty DIRTY CHILDREN 11,2NEO, YOU ARE... A PUPPET YES I PULL THE STRINGS :D 4,1puppet.jpg 11,2"OH I NO!" "OH OK" 4,1;_; ...no JPGing Neo ;_; He's a puppet of... THE PATRIOTS He loses bishiness with compression 14 it's too late Also Neo, I'm the one that killed your father. 4,1good, his ramblings pissed me off Wheee 4,1I expect the head cleaned and delviered by 1 o clock MGS2 spoilers = w00t HAH! THE PATRIOTS I SAID * FlyerFox pulls the napalm lever o no *casts Null-Fire* 11,2I am DEATH! (IHPG) * AeonPhoenix has joined #SFNet ^^; You coulda just said it was on EsperNet. 11,2hi Neo 4,1I like to make it complicated XD * NeoPhoenixTE sets mode: +v AeonPhoenix Sounds fair to me. I paid good money for this clone make out scene. 4,1I trust you know the registration procedure n everything? 11,2if we kick Aeon, will his scripts automatically kick us? 4,1quiet Flyer ¬_¬ *nosebleed* * FlyerFox waves five dollar bill 11,2I also vote AYE * Yoshi-Ayarane waves a $20 :3 4,1.. Already registered. 4,1I find the topic of this auction not nearly as disturbing as this auctions very existance.. * Yoshi-Ayarane cackles I hang around Furry Realm, if you haven't already noticed. 4,1do a hop real fast, wanna check avoice 11,2Neo, not on the first date! what's the price for instant sell? * AeonPhoenix has left #SFNet * AeonPhoenix has joined #SFNet * ChanServ sets mode: +v AeonPhoenix 14 ...I leave and now neo is being paid to make out with aeon? 4,1smashing Thrilling. bahahahahaha A good bargain. 14 ...Jesus, if I leave again I'm afraid of what's going to happen * AeonPhoenix padlocks his belt. Well, you might want to tape up your buttocks. * AeonPhoenix padlocks the belt on his coat, while he's at it. * Lifeforce padlocks the room 14 I'M NOT LEAVING AGAIN lol 11,2let's clone Lifeforce when she leaves 4,1I say smashing, you say thrilling...you even start to say "BIZARRO" and I'm afraid I'll have to end you.. 14 I already have clones 14 they explode alot 4,1how much for each? 14 free 14 because it explodes The One. XD 4,1how fast do they explode? 14 depends *sweatdrop* 4,1I'll work quickly then 4,1XD 11,2they get double damage than normal, but don't do any real damage to enemies *takes out giant mallet* And we shall call him...Mini-Ne(oPhoenix). lol I have a mini-me 14 ...if I stay, it's clone rape.. if I leave, I'm coming back to a bird orgy... 14 I'm doomed She's 4 years younger, though 4,1HEEHEE 4,1wait, wtf, I'm against this yaoi x_X Not really a clone then XD NEO SAID YES FOR THE RECORD someone get LR's attention 14 okay 14 YAOI Neoooo... if you do, I'll make it worth your while ^_- ...I sincerely worry. 11,2****>>>> 11,2YAOI <<<<**** You'd better *faint sound of huge explosions in the distance* 11,2Neo's girlfriend wants to see Neo be gay for a few minutes 14 4YAOI YAOI YAOI YAOI * Yoshi-Ayarane throws hammer at Haze >:P 14 she's not paying attention, it seems 11,2of all the times for her to be somewhere else... ...Why do I get the feeling I'm going to get tricked into something degrading? 14 it's too late for that >:D 14 he's undone your belt without you knowingalready You're in the chat, that's degrading enough 4,1flyer presents a valid point You're eased into the hot tub by harness and crane. Oh dear. Yaoi? Where? 14 IT WORKED Teehee Eek! 14 XD * AeonPhoenix hides. Neo stares at you from across the tub, as it bubbles and froths around you and says... 4,1... "Want me to switch the spa on now?" .... * FlyerFox plays the drum fill *twitch* COME ON FOLKS IT'S COMEDY 4,1I don't know what's going to flatten this room first, my rage, or Yoshi's overdrive Oh god Neo x Neo or Fox Mulder! OH GOD 11,2LAUGH, DUDE BOTH Calm, Neo. Goshdarnit, no one appreciates fart jokes anymore OH WELL THAT'S WHAT LOGS ARE FOR Violence never solved anything! and that overdrive would be of the "OMFG END OF THE WORLD" kind 4,1sure it did ...well, not when used in small quantities... 4,1it ended world war 2 11,2LR> be sure to edit out the "useless" parts of the log when you post it 4,1meaning in order to solve this, I gotta go nuclear on this place Done and done! And edit in the 'raging throbbing' parts. muahahahaha 14 and plenty of bulges 11,2those are always implied lol I'll just add in my own parts. ^ ^ And a horse I'll get the A-Bomb. 14 HAH 11,2gasp! you're own... parts? TWO MONKEYS * AeonPhoenix AAs "Drop The Bomb" on Maniac. A JAR OF MARMALADE 14 another horse Yoshi. * AeonPhoenix looks around innocently. And slowly...backs away...from the DDR machine... ? 14 no, he was adding you .... XD Godzilla 11,2a JPEG compressed yiff image 4,1ONOGODZILLAISATTACKINGTHECITY duuuuude ONOGODZILLAHASJOINEDTHETWOINTHEHOTTUB * Yoshi-Ayarane shoots down Godzilla with stinger missles >:D 4,1... 14 they only arouse him ONO! IT'S GODZILLA! OMGWTF IS HE DOING HERE!!!111one111! 4,1this chat is going to hell fast I'm sorry. muahahahahaha I personally blame myself. 14 heh.. We love making you squirm. 14 in any sense 11,2Godzilla is getting large just imagining it 4,1this is one of the only times I've been active in chat If you leave, we'll get much much worser 14 probably, yeah 14 there'll be tentacles 11,2and we'll get a Neo stunt-double Well, at least now I have another Phoenix to do this to... * AeonPhoenix HIDES behind Neo.o 4,1..that a threat or a promise LF? ...... 14 BOTH 4,1sweet 11,2gasp, did you get those lines on film? OOOOOH, HE'S BEHIND NEO NOW 4,1.. 14 IT BEGINS .... 4,1X_X;;;;;; JUNGLE BOOGIE *twitch* JUNGLE BOOGIE * NeoPhoenixTE kills the first person to play salsa JUNGLE BOOGIE JUNGLE GET DOWN 14 ::aeon slowly slides his hand up neo's shirt:: x___X * AeonPhoenix wouldn't do that. o.o ...unless asked. 14 he did ask you We're asking you 4,1I ASKED NOTHING *nosebleeds again* 14 PUT YOUR HAND UP MY SHIRT PLZ LOL HARD ROCKS LOL 11,2DAMNIT FOXY, YOU ARE SUCH A SLUT! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED IN MY CLUB HOUSE EVER AGAIN! EVER! NOW STOP FUCKING! *overdrive bracelet shorts out* That means she wants it to happen. * FlyerFox winks so hard half the world explodes ..... 14 ::the bracelet turns into a vibrator:: RAWR!$!$@%@#$!&^$!!#!$@ 4,1o_o * Yoshi-Ayarane summons a Metal Gear I think my lungs just collapsed laughing so hard * NeoPhoenixTE transforms to second stage, takes flight, and gets the fuck outta here *Metal Gear turns into a giant love-pad* OMFG 14 ::with tentacles:: I'm beginning to wonder. It seems everywhere I've been, everybody seems to want NOTHING BUT MY HOT THICK SHAFT IN NEO'S ASS. my metal gear.... ;_; What gave you that idea Aeon? 14 quote saved * Yoshi-Ayarane is afraid to summon Omega Blastoise in mecha-form now x_X * NeoPhoenixTE hdies in the clouds Or vice-versa. That's my new quit ...granted it was only the Yiff! boards and here, but still. ? * Yoshi-Ayarane turns into a cloud and hides next to the one Neo's on 4,1...you......you came from..the yiff boards? 11,2 I'm beginning to ________________ BUT MY HOT THICK SHAFT IN NEO'S ASS. YOSHI IS A VOYEUR 4,1I knew your name was familiar! 14 THE CLOUDS ARE PRETTY SOFT 14 THEY'RE MAKING YOU FEEL FUNNY ....I am a cloud I can shoot lightning A voyeur cloud 14 lightning arouses the mechs ...don't make me shoot lightning, dammit 11,2I'm Mister Sun. especially overdrive-charged lightning 11,2I make it so hot that everyone takes off all their clothes Shoot lightning is a euphimism for something ssssexual 14 it will only arouse mecha godzilla when he gets here ..... I came from the SFX64.com boards (Founder of #sfx64 on webchat (ew)), and the Yiff boards, yess. ...did I mention I can also shoot hail? Yes, even. 10834571411733 4,1ah ha I cannot type tonight. 4,1I knew you were familiar.. 4,1..what broguht you here? Now you HAVE to make out. 14 Hail produces a nice, massaging sensation on the mechs 8345714111733 grr... 10He probably realized how shitty the Yiff board is now. how about.... Don't pull your thang out, unless you plan to bang! BOMBS OVER BAGHDAD. Having Rufus sitting around in my chat at the same time as someone mentioned Lylat.net on OTG. (I haven't been to the Yiff boards in a LONG time) super-powered extra-painful plasma bolts? >:D AUSTRALIANS DON'T LISTEN TO OUTKAST 14 plasma? Don't even bang unless you plan to hit something! 14 that's like mecha astro glide Along with hail and regular lightning bolts? WE DO TOO SOAP 10If you plan to bang, then you bang to plan. *twitch* 14 so, yoshi.. you apply the plasma lube while stimulating and massaging the mecha? 14 wow Woah, she's really handy OH HELL I'LL SHOOT A-BOMBS 11,2My name's Buck... and I'm here to fuck. That was a great line. 14 the bombs produce a nice cloud of smoke I'm out of luck, what the fuck, bang a duck. 14 it's pretty arousing The A stands for aphrodisiac .... Neo's a duck kinda 14 the area's all misty now ...duck, Phoenix, same thing. good god is there anything I can shoot that DOESN'T make mechas horny? x_X Oh Neeeeeeeeeo... 14 nope * NeoPhoenixTE peers down from his fortress in the skies 14 ::and down aeon's ass crack:: * FlyerFox places a jack under the earth and lifts the earth to the cloud Man. This is starting to terrify me in a very amusing way. 10http://www.bash.org/?3407 I'm going to bed so i don't fail grade 10. I* And by fail grade 10, I mean wake up at 8:00. Grade 10 of LOVIN' 14 neo likes them when they're still young I'm not sure my Kira would much appreciate my making out with Neo anyways. 4,1LF is right, but not in the same way she intends Yeah, she only means hugging * Haze has quit IRC (Ping timeout) Neo means ROGERING I like my corpses fresh, thank you. >_> <_< * AeonPhoenix hugglesnugglewuggles Neopoo and flits off to bed. Kira can make out with Yoshi * AeonPhoenix has quit IRC (Quit: *mutters*) ..... noooo... no no no no no * FlyerFox salutes 4,1.....you people, are messed up 14 MY WORK IS DONE 14 ::hoverround to Dairy Queen:: Well Neo, I think it's fair play! 14 I Think he likes you 14 he called you "neopoo" He does. >_> Totally. <_< 10Neopoo. He wants some KFP, but the f doesn't stand for "Fried" 4,1Grokaya help me ;_; 10Kentucky Fhoenix Penis? 14 and triple compound word, with each part rhyming? * Yoshi-Ayarane happens to be a frequent patron of KFP 14 Jesus .... Flied? 14 perfect timing o_o 14 good job, Yoshi ^^ 14 Kentucky Fhoenix Penis? ..... 14 * Yoshi-Ayarane happens to be a frequent patron of KFP 10Haha. * Yoshi-Ayarane summons Omega Blastoise 14 you said it 10*summons.. uhh... my penis* * Yoshi-Ayarane casts "Entrust" on said mecha, therefore triggering "OMFG BLASTOISE OVERDRIVE!!!1" 10I win. 14 ::omega blastoise is aroused so much by the a-bomb smoke it orgasms so hard Japan sinks:: ..... HAH! 10*casts "Enthrust" on said phallus* ;_; 4,1XD OH NO, Blastoise is about to get it! O CRAP *dismisses Omega Blastoise* 14 I don't think I"ve ever causes so many elipses in one chat XD 14 he's spent anyway 10*patpats the penis and dismisses it* >_> You can never dismiss a penis 10It's a metaphorical dismissing. 4,1you can only make it hide 14 in a metaphorical sense It'll hunt you to the end of your days 4,1..damn, the chat thus dies 14 it always ends with penis flee while you can, Neo :P 4,1good idea.. 4,1off I go! ^_^ * NeoPhoenixTE has quit IRC (Quit: 14,14,1 i beat the internet 14,14,1 the end guy is hard) 14 he forgot his pants lol *poof!* * Yoshi-Ayarane has left #SFNet 14 she forgot his pants Ah, that should pay them back nicely * Misteroo has joined #sfnet * ChanServ sets mode: +o Misteroo AHAHAHA THEY ARE THE SAME 10Misteroo arrives just after the sex ends. 14 ...you just missed everything I mean, that was MY WAY OF PAYING THEM BACK FOR MARA Thisresearchpaperishardworktimeforslacking. 10YAY 14 should have slacked earlier I was, but I can only do so much :{ I only have a paragraph, and it's supposed to be like... 5 pages long in 10 pt font XD Ooer, what's it on? RUN 14 heh, did they specify WHAT font it had to be? 14 some can be much larger at 10 ^^ Yes. Times new roman... which just makes it smaller. It's on gun control. I'm tempted to just write about how guns solve every possible problem in Pokey. * RufusFoxRa has left #SFNet 14 ...it's always times new roman. 14 ALWAYS WIN 14 I want to see essays done in the "riot act" font 14 that would be crazy Wingdings I do mine in "Bloody" WRITE IN ALL CAPS 10Insert hidden messages into the papers. Write it in Gill! So... I missed the fun? :{ Yup! 14 has anyone here ever SEEN riot act? 14 it's insane LF and I made Neo and Yoshi really uncomfortable! I haven't http://home.comcast.net/~sylascren/riotact.jpg Do tell :} LF: That rules 14 imagine an essay in that Well, Neo was talking about how much like him AeonPhoenix was so we started making Yaoi jokes and stuff, thenAeon came in 14 the downside is, there's no difference between normal and caps 14 but seriously, who cares, heh 14 and it only got worse 14 did anyone log it? yup me, Seppel 14 send me a copy. But let me take wall down first... I can't send it while in the chat I'll pull it out and give it to you later Me too, please :} 14 ah, alright I'll go do it now, then * Disconnected Session Close: Tue Oct 14 15:51:37 2003