Session Start: Sat Dec 11 14:33:31 2004 Session Ident: AsureaSkie Session Ident: AsureaSkie (AsureaSkie@wcl-dhcp-263.TAMU.EDU) I was more pointing out that it wasn't even a firefight, it was you spraying rounds all over the place like a damn fool. You shot, Arco shot. I used a skill, you used spray'n'pray. Seems you forgot to pray =P Well, I suppose since you forgot your clues, I suppose forgetting the pray part is forgivable. Clues? Ask Jared. He doesn't know what you're talking about, and neither do I. You're taking this a bit to seriously, methinks. You're being a fucking ass, methinks. What. I was being In Character. I did an In Character response to a character being smart mouthed. I did an IC response to being shot at. I made an IC remark about the situation. And you come barrelling in to tell me what's what? Your IC response was completely inane, and was more you being an asshole than anything else. Especially considering that she wasn't even being smart-mouthed. What, he shoved her on the forehead. Most military officers know better than to attack their subordinates. Most military personnel know better than to try to gun down their superior officer. Also, Coraline is civilian. Who just went "berserk" and threatened, then attacked a civilian? He shoved her. She didn't even fall over. You'd be considered a danger to everyone around you, quite possible insane, and disabling would not be considered an over-reaction. Except... it was considered an over-reaction. You just hauled off and attacked an un-armed CIVILIAN. That's far worse than attacking another person in the military. Reality check, buddy. Even Coraline didn't care. This isn't reality. It's an RPG I know. You're getting way too offended about this. Way too upset. I'm not offended, I just think you're a complete and total fucktard. And why? Just to clarify. Oh, and BTW, we're RP'ing as the "good guys" in a military organization. I'm aware of that. You're RP'ing as a complete and total asshole who should be on the enemy side. You're right, I AM doing that. And who would have either ended up in prison or, at the least, discharged, well before he could get CPT. Look man, I dunno what your problem is, but the character, his behaviour, and all else about him was cleared for use. Everyone else can get along fine OOC with the idea of the character. Basically, what that shows is that you aren't so much letting the character take the actions, as just letting yourself be a complete and total asshole with the character's actions. Goddamn, you are such a baby. You overreacted completely and utterly. I could understand the reaction were it LAST session with what he did, but shoving someone? SHOVING? Look man, if you want to do idiotic things with your character, by all means. I can't put you on ignore so you'll shut up because I'm in the same RP group as you. I had no problems with you, or your character until you started this crap And even then, I still don't have a problem. Bitch and moan all you want. Seems to me you're doing all the bitching and moaning. Don't like having someone turn around and be an asshole to you, do you? What is your problem?! Why are you taking this so seriously?! No one else has a problem with the character My problem is with you being a complete asshole. YOU, not the character. How have I been a complete asshole? I've taken you hurling abuse at me pretty well, I should think. If you haven't managed to pick it up by now, me explaining it one more time won't do anything to help. Have a nice day. Whatever man. I seriously couldn't give a shit anymore.